Особисте, Думки вголос
LOVE is the most powerful thing. LOVE forgives. You can see the good and bad in someone and still LOVE cause love accepts. LOVE teaches us to be humble. Love helps us have faith. LOVE gives us the strength to move on. LOVE makes you become a fighter. LOVE gives you self esteem and helps you develop self care.
I didn't know what love was until I started loving myself. I loved myself so hard it translated into my relationship and my partner didn't understand the kind of love I had because when a situation arrive and others would have walked away I sticked. When he hurt me so bad I forgave and stayed so he kept asking me over and over why. I just said because I love you. I said just like Jesus won't give up on people I won't give up as well.
So for the rest of the week show the people a different type of love they never experienced. Show them an everlasting kind of love ♥️❤💓💖💕💗💞💟❣❤💘
Hi everyone 👋
I'm kinda new here
My name is Zinzee which means beautiful flowers
I'm 19 years old
Birthday is November 15th
And I'm just on here to share my poems and my life story😊
Enjoy what's to come and what has been.
Dinner Is Served
As I try to write this piece
My eyes grew heavy
And my hunger increased
I'm ready to get messy
I'll no longer try to be careful
Because some juice needs to be spilled
The fork I'm about to stab you with may be hurtful
Sorry not sorry cause I'm here to kill
You spend a great deal manipulating
Trying to get into my head
Patiently I sat waiting
For your cheating ass to drop dead
I can smell a liar more than I can smell food
There is this urging desire to look closer for the clues
I paid close attention to your changing mood
A glass shattered at the heart breaking news
I thought you could love my scars
But the only thing you loved was feeding your pleasures
The only thing I got was burnt by your cigars
Can't believe you was someone I treasured
Now I know better
And I wish you would rot
I want to leave you this last letter
And I hope you put it to thought
'Karma is coming
Not the same bitch you think
I'm the one who'll have you running
Destroying your world before you could blink'
I'll cross my legs at the dinner table
Enjoying my meal
Laughing at your naiveness doubting that I wasn't able
To do what you did, you thought I couldn't steal
I'll laugh at your face
While I take away your control
I'll smash your heart with this vase
And take back everything you stole
Bon appétit
I'm serving this dinner tonight BITCH
I'll hold you in the frame of my heart
A place where you'll never depart
I'll replay you every second in my mind
Our memories will forever be on rewind
I'll cry these tears from the brokenness of losing you
The one thing that held great value
You'll forever be my greatest memory
My heart is your whole documentary
The more I ponder, the more I see, the way you lived gave me a whole new mentality about humanity
That's why you're my most cherished memory
Fallen Angel
You was my guiding light
My angel that watched over me throughout the night
But lately my light has dimmed
It's like you're becoming extinct
How can I find my way
It hurts to know that you couldn't stay
You sheltered my rain
I felt protected 'finally no more pain'
Why do angels leave
They say God will answer your prayer but I don't believe
They say he's a man of his word
Erase my hurt
He's a loving God
If he loved so much then why did he allowed this love to be erased from my heart
Why create an angel then take him away
Why allow him to go on this day
He was my guiding light
The angel that watched over me throughout the night
He was my painkiller
He made me a believer
He helped me see the brighter side to life
But I guess just like Jesus he had to pay the price
He died because of our sinful life.