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right religion
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I think that any religion can be right. As far as I'm concerned there are plenty of scriptures like the bible for orthodox and the Koran for muslims. As there are different interpretations of God, that we can't talk about one main and one right religion. That's my thought. And men of religion strongly believe that only that certain religion is right and rest of ones are misbelieve. So nobody knows which is right. As for greeks and heaven. Somewhere I've heard of a joke about a missionare and an aborigine. So as an aborigine got to know about Catholics he asked whether he'll go to heaven. A missionare answered that in case he prays and be sinless and takes communion he'll go to heaven. Then an aborigine asked once more, whether he'd go to heaven if he wouldn't have known about Catholicism. A missionare replied «yes». So, an aborigine said why the hell than a missionare told him about his religion.
2018-03-24 14:59:08