Let go
Can I let go? .... Will you let me be me? I'm so tired and exhausted. The air is thick and the room is shuddered in green. Most times when I'm breathing I can hear you walk away from me. Trying to reel me in to something less than what use to be. I know it's wrong to see, But can I let go this time. ... All to heavy to hold, Too much to carry. You and I are broke and the sea is waving me over. I'm not gonna cry though I wish to. Don't force what is no longer there. We've tried to remain there, Only now it's about time- Time we just let it all go. .... No one likes goodbyes, But for us this will be more than that. Just let me be me so that you can finally be the you, you dream. Let us let go.
2019-09-12 18:00:22
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