We don't need to understand everything, that's not our goal. Thinking too much No matter the Matter can really kill us. That- that is our choice to make. A choice of many we often have more than others. I cannot see the Heat, but it knows me well. So well that it affects my health. We often see ourselves without a mirror. Somehow we can even define things our bodies can control, the amount of accountability that we possess inside our minds. That's a key isn't it. I know my worth, I've made progress and I've worked way past the good limits and through the death of some. Although this mirror is clean and polished... it still has a disgusting look. I'm not talking about myself or the mirror. I can see the soul, its light and its life. So when the mirror sees my reflection, it has me in a hold of sorts. One in which requires my soul form to pass through the very Galaxies that forms from every eye. I can see you in the dark, When it's raining and you decide to slumber. The amount of times you look for the phone in your hands, or even the mic when you check your voice. The only thing I'm okay not figuring out'''' is the tiny flutter I get when it looks back. So I can be my worst enemy and comrade, but if it's okay. I'd still like to call you cutie. The only Name I've ever given you but also the only one you've heard from me. Thinking is something we don't need to stay with. That's torture. But living in thoughtful ones, That can help us breathe more than we can.
2021-12-31 09:55:29
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Sarah Bouzidi
Good say
2022-01-01 14:06:44
Схожі вірші
La lune
Quand les rues de la ville sont plus sombres, Quand la moitié de la planète dort, Quand les étoiles de rêve tombent, La lune me brille, la lune d'or. Je peux la regarder la nuit Et j'écris mes poèmes bizarres, Peut-être je suis folle ou stupide, Mais la lune me donne de l'espoir. Elle est froide, comme l'hiver, Elle est pâle, comme malade, Je peux là regarder les rivières Et parfois je vois les cascades. Elle est mystérieuse, magnifique, Satellite sombre de notre planète, Séduisante, heady et magique, L'ami fidèle pour tous les poètes. La lune, pourquoi tu es triste? La lune, je ne vois pas ton sourire, Dis moi ce qui te rend attriste, Dis moi ce qui te fais souffrir! La lune, tu es loin de moi, Il y a des kilomètres entre nous, Je rêve de toi de matin à soir, Je rêve et j'écris sur l'amour. Et je danse dans ta lumière, Mes idées sont tristes et drôles, J'aime tes yeux tendres, lunaires, Ils me disent que je suis folle. Mais, ma lune, tu es mon rêve, Tu es mon inspiration, ma lune, Mon souffle, tu m'aimes, j'espère, Parce que tu es mon amour!
Намалюю тобі на обличчі Сонця промені, хмари і гай... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці І ніколи не зраджу. Це край. Небо синє, бурхливе і темне, Наче очі твої, наче рай. Наче сховище, замок підземний. Наче темний і лячний той край. Намалюю тобі на обличчі, На сторінці клітинку. Портрет... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці, Знов малюю лиш твій силует.