Where the waters meet the Mountains, And the footprints guide the spring. Know there's no hidden pasture between our souls. At one glance we are treasure, By the second but a measure, To the third a scalpeled pleasure, For by the fourth recasted Venture. Every moment swallowed by the hands that tell our future. Our implications of eachother sour. May the fruiting sprout its once benign tastes. Sought from the hands of our respective elders, whom prayed to their homes master of many. Chased with budding of every flourished living atom to the dead sprouts of tomorrow's plenty. No secret hidden from the blindness, No devil in our caskets. For every spring a river guided by paths of life and time, Allowing adventure and advancement from our hearts and minds. Seek not which hasn't been taken, Yet learn from those whom have. For once we were loving, By the fourth never re-buried.
2021-01-05 04:50:01
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Enok Mayeny
Hmmm, harmonious footprint in all direct. Connection in all the network. Finding one self. A period cyst and assists. Lol, keep them coming.
2021-01-19 23:40:48
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