Our shining stars
Our shining stars and dreams, Of what we had and what we were, The people we used to be, And the love we used to share, I believed that it would never fade, And never die. But even our stars, like flashing city lights, Our dreams, luminous like embers, Even they can die, And I found out the hard way, Didn’t I? When you left me alone, I thought that our star, our dream, Would die and fade. I believed that spark of light would leave me, And I’d be stuck in the dark. But I was wrong about that too, You see, my love, I didn’t need your light, Not when I had my own. I just needed to find it again. After all, I was ok before I loved you, I’ll be ok now too. Now that I’ve found the spark, And found my own stars once again, Found my own dreams. Because, even without yours, My stars and dreams are still numerous, Unending, like fireflies in the Summer air.
2018-02-10 10:58:49
Схожі вірші
Я і ніч
Поїзд падає в ніч. Це-останній ліхтар. Я і ніч. Віч-на-віч. То морозить. То жар. Ти вже, певно, заснув, Ти подушку обняв. Ти мене вже забув. В тебе тисячі справ Я від тиші глуха. Від мовчання німа. Я одна. Клич- не клич. Я і ніч. Віч-на-віч.
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