I Drop a White Pill in My Sink
& bleed elsewhere one following, ripe month. Finger daggered, toothbed exposed girl-wet & teasing, my breast tugged away from my chest: a zippered wound—red red river, overflowing river, appled midnight—moon a bitten core. Doesn’t really matter. My knee skinned to bone. My razored thigh. Licking the sink side like drinking the snow. Apparently Edna. Apparently my mother. Apparently I will never be holdable again. Tongue-cut metal. The whole world metal. The whole world one small paper box. A paper cut on my earlobe. Thin cut like a toothbrush bristle. Never why. My thighs all-over harsh. Dreams hard as marl. I cut my feet again and again. On my dreams. I cast my ash in the river. I earned this. I walked in Georgia. If  you give a girl an abortion, she’s going to ask for another abortion. So the story goes. A blister presses crisp as a shirt, relinquishes blood there beneath skin: lagoonal. My private party. My tv turned down. Snow turned to rain. Body backlit and finally: dripping. Bleeding. The sink is a stilted oracle. She drains. I drain. Un-weft, I wept. I never told my mother.
2020-12-21 23:56:01
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Enok Mayeny
Yes, back again with ton of poem.
2020-12-21 23:56:33
Схожі вірші
وردةٌ قبِيحة
و مَا الّذي يجعلُ مصطلحُ الوردة قبِيحة؟ -مَا الّذي تنتظرهُ من وردةٍ واجهت ريَاح عاتية ؛ وتُربة قَاحلة و بتلَاتٍ منهَا قَد ترَاخت أرضًا ، مَا الّذي ستصبحهُ برأيك؟
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?