Изменение в расписание книг
Расписание выхода глав в книгах изменён. В связи с тем, что у меня близится конец моей практики и учёбы главы выходили редко. И поэтому расписание выхода глав следующие:
Понедельник - «Тритон», «Труп жениха».
Вторник - «Неизвестный путь», «Отель "Морская Волна" ».
Среда - «Один миг в превращение в кентавра», «Легенда о корабле-призраке».
Четверг - «Ты навеки моя», «Скажи "Скай" и приди на помощь»
Пятница - «Секрет любви», «История про принцессу и дракона»
Суббота - одна книга из фанфиков про Скайрим.
Воскресенье - одна книга из фанфиков про аниме и одна из черепашек ниндзя.
Strange as it may seem, but there is no other way.
To go into battle means to be killed or defeated.
A fight will always be a fight.
It doesn't say that both sides won – no.
There is one winner and one loser.
It depends on us who can win.
Fights have their own rules and their own honor.
And everyone should understand.
De l'amour à la haine, un pas,
Je te Maudis,
et tu seras toujours
une voile solitaire dans la mer.
Vous allez adorer la beauté en un jour.
Si elle t'aime comme tu es,
tu ne seras pas seul.
Si non, tu seras seul pour toujours.
Ma malédiction ne s'effondre jamais.
I will always fly.
Verse 1.
I was looking for freedom from everyone.
You don't know where to find her,
But again you are caught in a trap.
Here you are again, locked up alone and asking no one for anything.
You locked me out of a
Blizzard yourself, and now I'm free
I will always fly in the sky and live with my head.
I asked you to release me,
and now you're locking me in.
Let there always be sun and the wind of freedom will sing to me.
Don't hurt me.
Verse 2.
I love flying, and now I'm locked up again.
I've never wanted to be free.
If you say I'm wrong, you're very wrong.
No one will blame you for all this.
I will soar above all.
I will not put up with heartache,
I will always be alone and have always been alone.
Verse 3
They wanted to trim my wings,
And they cut them all the time.
They cut me off all the time and the wounds bleed,
but I still took off and
I don't trust anyone now,
and let them say that I'm weak and can't fly, but I took off.