In a discussion with some folks, Superiority of men over women, Ephesians 5:21-23 as centre of idea Is submissiveness a state of voicelessness? Misinterpretation of the holy book or Man's ego? . With an hawk eye i pinned in this, A different view i coceived, Ravelled up in nature's ways, I asked, Are they not human too? . From one perspective of life i viewed this, In the soulful blues of Asa, I delved into the rhythm of Niyola's vocal, Rocking my legs to Cynthia Morgan's beats, All to have a taste of Waje's bliss. . With my love for Miley Cyrus, I craved into Sia's wonderful chorus, Just to feel Selena Gomez rocky chores, In an atmosphere of Nikki Minaj's raps and rocks. . I asked, Are they not better to some Men? . With every external talks, In the world of rifts and roughs, They opined females are sucks, I sighed, wake up Oh ye' dreamers, It's a ladies world. . *Dedicated to all females in the world* . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines
2021-06-26 12:37:47
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Christianity was always with women and never ever was against them!
2021-06-26 18:56:27
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. Ephesians 5:25‭, ‬28 We, women, are supposed to love our husbands, and treat them the church treat Jesus, we are not slaves or not appreciated or less then men, but that is the right way if treating someone who loves us as he loves his body, as Jesus loves church, that he died for the church. We are not called to be slaves, or to follow our husband blindly, the submissiveness in Christianity, and to be specific the Greek word that is used in the verses yoy mentioned is to treat someone with respect and honor. And the verses that comes next the one your mentioned proves it's not violent nor against womens right or anything. No religion gave women their right fairly and appreciate them like Christianity.
2021-06-26 19:06:40
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