They say the stars and the moon never disappoints
They show up every night to keep away the bad dreams
And all the wishes made upon them come true
But as l dream happily ever after never comes true on me
I cry myself to bed every night
I build castles as it get washed away by my tears
In the dark I hope for light
And In the light , l hope for dark to hide my tears
My shadow escapes the sadness within me, as it gets scared from time to time.
she world
Just a small beautiful butterfly
Good for the eyes and hard to handle
So colourful and bright
Full of life
Rises every day with hope in the eyes
And everywhere it passes leaves
But needs a little extra care and love
A beautiful butterfly with different shapes and shades
Needs sunshine,freedom and a little flower
To make it happy again
A small beautiful butterfly
In a despicable world that is delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admits all the changes it has been through to achieve that beauty
Two face
This sounds crazy,
but the images are printed back in my mind
Should I call it professional or a character that you put on that face
You see it better for one to know what they are dealing with
But with you ?
You're a professional professor
The details you put out there are totally different
I may sound crazy,
but I haven't seen a chameleon in my whole life
Or should I describe you as human alien
I can not unfeel it, the trauma of being around you
It's in my blood to love , but I was surely fooled by the masks that you had on your face
@ Girly_M
Memories of you are engraved within my heart
I know it will take sometime to get used to you're absent
I want you to know that there is no time ,I never cared
If this is goodbye
I want you to know that you're the best part of my life
I swear I never took you for granted for a moment
I swear, I learned alot from you
How to be strong,
How to be confident,
How to love and smile the bad times
Thank you for loving me for who I am
If this is goodbye
I swear ,I am sorry for the times a made you cry
Sorry for not being there for you
Sorry for all the troubled, I caused you
If this is goodbye,
I wish we cross our paths again and start over
I promise I will be better
But I want you to understand that I tried
This is the only thing that change human points of view
You get excited by small things
Experience different types of hype
Laugh without a reason
Hang on to others even though they are bad
Pray for them despite their ugly actions towards you
Its makes you see ugly to be beautiful
White to be black
And maybe sometimes we are afraid to imagine being alone that why we hold so tight
They say the time of my grandma's the word itself spoke for itself
It wasn't all about looks
It wasn't about trends
Neither was it about money and the things you could buy
That why they are still together despite the long run
So my generation see an old age couple together and they call it "goals"
All they wish at a young age is aging together but they forget that their goals are different
All they want is matching couples
Public viewing
Fancy name codes
With different individuals in the race
Every single moment you were convinced something would be the end for you
You always find away to get through it and that is your power
You!! You're stronger than you ever thought
Every single time you thought you couldn't survive something
You preserved .
Every single time you convinced that something would get you down for good
You survived, you stood up straight and walked through it
You are stronger than you're thoughts
You're brave for coming this far
You! I swear you're amazing
Despite everything life has thrown at you
You still have a bright smile
Colourful eyes that spread love
No matter how you cry at night
You still wake up every morning and do you are best
And this is the reason to why you're better than the rest
So give yourself some credit for coming these far
I swear you're alot stronger than you realize
A faceless enemy ,
A killer of both rich and poor,
A respecter of no religion with no differentiation of tribe or race .
puzzled human beings and caused the loss of many lives,
The loitering presence of death ,
Named after the year it appeared late 2019,
We slept in one world and woke up in another,
Suddenly, disney has no magic and Paris is no longer romantic.
Hugs and kisses become weapons for the faceless enemy,
Staying away from parents and relatives becomes an act of love,
Frontline heroes risking their lifes just hoping for a better day,
The whole world consipires to make a change by staying at home,
Traffic lights blinked to control the non existent cars and the pedestrian crossing buttons are shiny without a sheen of finger prints ,
Buildings that once fashioned a high street had the feel of a movie set,
From earth that bares no life but the short scrubby grass, yellowing under the constant glare of the sun ,rises a ghost town that has no imaginable right to exist .
Looking forward to normal. ⏳
#stayhome #staysafe
Yes, I'm a fool,
For letting you walk in my life
For being there for you ,when you needed someone
For sharing my precious time with you
For being able to solve you're problems
For standing all you're criticism from time to time
Yes,I'm nothing but a fool,
A fool that has a good heart
A fool that sees everything but keeps quiet
A fool that stays even when l know , l shouldn't be there
A smart fool who knows how to handle every situation
Yes,I'm a fool,
And I know that is my strength from the start
It's like blood running through my green veins
A fool that never think twice and never gives up on the right things
They say every one who is gone goes to heaven,
And I wonder with tears in my eyes
How does heaven look like?
Is it a place free from fears and stress,
is it a place where you don't try to fit in ,
Is it a place where all your dreams come true ?
Is it in the blue sky,
In the moon
In the bright sunshine?
A palace in unknown forest ?
Dear heaven.
All l know is that your a good place ,
Where all the good people who we loved are gone to ,
And In every single minute of our life we remember them,
Pray for them,
Hope for them.
Be good to them cause they deserve it ........
Turn to new blank page
Rewrite you are mistakes
It all hits me back when I'm sober
I feel the pain of disappointment
I feel the pain of broken promises
I feel the pain of rejection
I try to rewrite and in every new page ,
I have you're image
It all hits me back when I'm sober
It felt red
And black but all with different feelings
But I'm afraid of new beginnings
I'm afraid of love and it's wonderful feelings
I'm afraid of anybody with same features like you
If only the stars could show me the right direction
Only then could we cross path's again
If only the moon could share my tears and sleepless nights
Only then could we love again endlessly
If only the sun could brighten my dark days
Only then could we fight the world and believe in what we have together
If only l believed in what you said rather than what l hear ,
Only then could we stand taller than the other trees
If only ...
Perhaps just one Only
Dear sorry
Sorry, but you don't work on me,
Too much of you is poisoning
Tell them I'm fine and better than yesterday
And that is why I make it till the next day
Sorry, sorry l swear you can't change me
My heart is as cold as ice now
I'm nothing but a human rock too hard to expect anything
They say actions speak louder than words
And here I am getting apologys after apologys
But I swear it ain't gonna work on me this time
I'm walking away from your lies and ugly letters
Funny how the first nervous hello turns into a daily conversation
Funny how we had the same weird humor
Funny how you made me believe that good people exists
Funny how you own my heart with all your acts
Funny how you made my day bright
Funny how you fooled me with the rest
Funny how you were excited to meet me
Funny how all you're plans worked on me
Funny how you made me a victim,
Funny how you stabbed me to death
Funny how red roses changes to black with thorns
Funny how it all started from no
Funny how you looked perfect innocent with the devils mind
Funny how you faked laughter as an
essential life skill to you
Funny how salt and sugar look the same but tastes total differently
It may all sound funny to you but ain't funny to me anymore...
Moment after moments,
I had to give myself hopes
May be you will be back someday and give me a reason to why you decided to walk away
You know what hurts most is the lies you feed me
The moments we shared full of different colors
The ugly promises you took without a second thought
You know what hurts most is the cute mask you had on
The fake smiles and laughters that looked so perfect on you
And you know what hurts me most is the salt you rubbed on my bleeding wounds
Dark screen
@Girly Ⓜ
That stupid blue notification
On the top right hand corner
Of that dark screen
It just gets rid the better in me
Do I dare open it?
You ignored my existence
Do I dare open it now??
Should I be mad that you reach out now
Should I be glad that you reached out on time
Should l open your message over and over again
And leave you hanging with a blue tick
All heartbreaks begins with introduction
And here Iam broken into pieces
I got addicted to that blue notification
Just looking for the right things
We build future on the dark screen
Long distance punctuated by daily chats
About our dreams and hopes
About our wants and needs
About our fears and tears
About you. About me
Short visits, long night of passion and truth
Ooh!!! that stupid blue notification
Rings in my mind like an alarm
Maybe its time to say my confession and obsession
Maybe its time to wake up from the dreamland
Maybe its time to believe in mutes and block with green notifications
So green become the new blue notification
I was told at a young age
To never play with scissors
And here I'am running around with scissors and razor's
I think Iam tired of holding on
I think I should gather the courage within me
I think it's time to start cutting those ties that are dragging me behind,
The ugly ties that lower your self esteems
The ugly ties that are full of negativity
The ugly ties that makes you feel bad about yourself
The ugly ties that deem your lights are meant for scissors to cut them all
I'm a prisoner in my own land
Imprisoned by the society and their own thoughts
If l ask for change they all frown
They wanna decide my every steps
Forget who I befriend, my basics too
I'm haunted by my thoughts and dreams
Waking up to same deary facts everyday
Screaming for this to end
Will it be different today?
Or will it be the lifeless moments
The same tight schedule with no end in sight
Yes, I have no difference from a prisoner
Society imprisoned me, but in a better way from a prisoner
I move around freely
I have freedom but they monitor every move l make
These kills me.
We are caged by emotions and fears
Just afraid to disappoint Society
We are all killed by one animal
Who said society and tribe should decide your future or how you carry yourself?
Who said they should decide who we befriend in life?
Who said they should keep us in cage from generation to generation,
Grandma and grandpa pass their commands
So we are all stuck in the same dark room
Just afraid to put the lights on and it passes on
To everyone my culture could be the best if only we could eradicate that animal called TRIBE
The glass
Crack the glass
And the crack
Will always remain
The human heart
Has the same vein,
But as delicate as a glass
Once it is hurt,
It is too hard
To fade the stain,
Though parts can be fix together
You're just to touch the wound
To make it drain again
Thought of the day
Trust is gained,
Respect is earned,
Honesty is appreciated
Loyalty is returned.
@Girly Ⓜ️
What do I say about you?
No, I don't talk to you all the time
Yes, you know all my secret
No, I don't think about you all the time
Yes, you are the first person I think about when something significant occurs in my life.
No, I don't always like you
Yes, I will love you always
No, you don't always solve my problems
Yes, You make It alot easier to face them
No, you are not available all the time
Yes, you are always there for me
No, I do have other friends who mean alot to me
Yes, there is no one who could ever replace you
No, you are not always sweet to me
Yes, you do everything to make me a better person
No, I can't live without you
Yes, I never would
No, you don't hate me
Yes, l love you too
Having you in my life is a blessing
@R... Y
Happy 10years friendship day
Best friend 👨❤️💋👨
I beg you
@Girly M
If you feel something like love for me,
Not to let me know it now
When I feel nothing so certain for you
Wait until you have conquered my pride
By pretending not to care for me
I beg you,
If you think your eyes will give you away,
Do not look at me with those eyes
When you know it will force the moment
Wait until our heartbeats have settled
Then put your hand on my shoulder with a smile
I beg you,
Not to let your feels come between our friendship
Not to let us surrender to passion
Until our likings has grown to love
Until our characters matches
Let's stop and look back
Let's draw apart and sigh
Let's stand back to back
Let's say good bye for the day and walk our different ways without pausing to wait
For I never wanna lose a friend like you in these long journey of life
I beg you,
To just never disclose your intention
If you find yourself interlocked in my memories
To take me as a friend
To hold my hand with silent
Before I start making promises
Be patient with me and the choices I make
Time will choose to pass by and you will walk away just like the rest
Precious are not those who give you money
Precious are not those who get you expensive gifts
Precious are not those who have all the good looks
Precious are not those who have everything in these life
What is precious??
Precious are those who make you smile brighter
Precious are those who do little things that makes you feel alife again
Precious are those who give you unconditional love and joy
Precious are those who you wanna take the long way back home
Precious are those who you feel free at all times
Precious are those who correct you when you are wrong
Precious are those friends you never wanna lose in these long journey of life
you're the precious thing I never wanna lose💖
imaginary dragon
@Girly M
Yes, I don't say my problems but it doesn't mean I don't have any
Sometimes I just need a tight hug from someone close
Sometimes I just need deep conversation with the right person
Ugly rumors spreading
Hundreds of questions rising
Thousands promises broken
And here Iam in the dark may be, just may be to get on the right hand and step at a greener grass
Sometimes I also need a shoulder to lean on
Sometimes I also need a real friend who can read between the lines
Someone who can wipe my tears without messing my dark mascara
Someone who will be true no matter what
Someone who will stand
with me even if the whole world stands against me
Red lights
I heard your name,
Got butterflies and red cheeks
Stood fixed and got freezed
I mean, this is how it normally feels?
Excited and a bit frighted
Energy level so high
Get a glance and I see a ray of light from far
So different combination of fire and ice
I mean, this is how you describe?
These , shyness
Wild Thoughts
Perfect lines
Fear of rejection Amazing sense of humor
I mean, this is the madness you also noticed?
@Girly M
I find myself
Looking at everyone
With different eyes,
Thinking things like
We are all different just like our five fingers,
I take my father's
Success and failures
Personally 😇
I feel as if
I represent him
As much as he does me.
The unknown
@Girly M
Full of imperfections
She puts a crown and a frown face
She is cold and weird not enough to be described
She lives not only for herself but also for her people
A bird that fly's freely
A bird who seats at the center of the yellow lines
@Girly M
I imagined a land where
The sun rises at night and the moon glimmers at day time
Where clouds shower petals of trust and love
Where ashes are burned and turned to flowers
Where scars full of pain are turned in to stars
Where people don't keep things inside, but say exactly how they feel with no filter
Where everyone makes mistakes but dont fake perfection
Where smiles can be shared with
A world full of love and affection
A world full of amazing people with no regrets
A world full of laughter and happiness
Orphan child
A state I called my own
Every thing seems so dull
Land gone dry
Heart all broken
Empty eyes full of hopes
Mama in no reply,
Papa, past the sky,
Orphan why me?
Why is the world just so cold,
Thousand people walking feeding their vein desire,
don't they see empty eyes?
Barely covered head to toe,
Barely just 1 to 12 years old
I need siblings I can call my own
I cry myself to sleep every single night
I need love just like the rest of the kids
I understand more than I should for my age
How I wished life would change even just for a day
Gone forever
@Girly M
I pray for you every single minute of my life for you,
I pray for your peace,
Although you sleep in heaven now, your not that far away,
My heart is full of memories and you're with me every minute,
A world that was full of happiness is
now an empty place,
You made everything so simple and beautiful
But all that now is gone forever.
You lived life with meanings
here I am still holding memories,
A million times l have cried with hopes in my eyes
but reality hits me so hard that I just have to accept,
They say that only time heals a broken heart,
But just like me and you it has been torn apart 💔
@Girly M
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies,
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size,
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
Its in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips
The way I think
I'm a woman Phenomenally,
Phenomenal women
Independent queen
Yeah that is me👸
Half grateful
@Girly M
My style, half grateful
My smile as tender as a root
Their talk harsh as a climate
My style, my way of living
They say I don't have a heart
That my style is just to hate
But I don't care cause I can't change
My style, my way of living
My style, half grateful
They talk and still want me around
I wish circles could be easier to be drawn.
I still rise like air
I be at the least hair styles
They sit round in a circle to talk
Sorry I can never be sorry for being me
Black and white
@Girly M
Friends are like flower
They open the gate of the garden
Just like stars they always make you feel high
Long moments, laughters are just coming from the flowers
But once the storms comes they are all gone
They say we are friends forever
But when forever comes all friends are gone
They make you smile brighter
They say they are right by your side
But when the sides are upside down you have no where to hold on to,
They say that they understand your language, but when you give signs they are all silent.