They say the stars and the moon never disappoints
They show up every night to keep away the bad dreams
And all the wishes made upon them come true
But as l dream happily ever after never comes true on me
I cry myself to bed every night
I build castles as it get washed away by my tears
In the dark I hope for light
And In the light , l hope for dark to hide my tears
My shadow escapes the sadness within me, as it gets scared from time to time.
she world
Just a small beautiful butterfly
Good for the eyes and hard to handle
So colourful and bright
Full of life
Rises every day with hope in the eyes
And everywhere it passes leaves
But needs a little extra care and love
A beautiful butterfly with different shapes and shades
Needs sunshine,freedom and a little flower
To make it happy again
A small beautiful butterfly
In a despicable world that is delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admits all the changes it has been through to achieve that beauty
Two face
This sounds crazy,
but the images are printed back in my mind
Should I call it professional or a character that you put on that face
You see it better for one to know what they are dealing with
But with you ?
You're a professional professor
The details you put out there are totally different
I may sound crazy,
but I haven't seen a chameleon in my whole life
Or should I describe you as human alien
I can not unfeel it, the trauma of being around you
It's in my blood to love , but I was surely fooled by the masks that you had on your face