Oh my friend, It isn't enough, To read like owls, Or scan through posts Like soaring eagles, along the coast But This truth i say, unto you my Dear Friend, That all of our lives, Are not summarized, By the goods we possess, Or by the wealth we harness But By The Truths we Uphold Like our kept treasures, of gold Prudence is an offspring, Of keen meditation, Birth from many hours, Of brooding introspection, For Many are Great Words, We do encounter each day, But few are the strait thoughts Which, We Honestly Regurgitate Thus We find In this age, A generation Of information, Overflowing its banks, Unto our mindless minds, Which cherishes great words And Yet Despises There Worth Lazy To learn, But craving To influence, Lazy to decipher, But seeking to inspire, Is this Age of pretense, Permeating all the Earth, The charade is intriguing, Better still, puzzedly amusing To see us, tweet Words, we don't Exemplify, Nor Desire to Personify And So we Find, dull minds, with much words, Always speaking, But never inspiring, Constantly listening, But never really learning, Increasing in much learning, But decreasing in understanding Reducing In good virtues, But seeking self worth Reducing in true wisdom But abounding in much bluffs Retrogressive in their Thoughts Yet seeking glamour at each turn These Are the plights, of our dieing world, where everyone rashly lives, With scarce originality, And everything cries out From deep valleys of agony Where Are The True Luminaries? ©heavenly_broadcast # PUNCHLINE- From Wisdoms Feet, we rise with Wings Becoming a rare voice, to a dieing world But if we desist from Listening to Him In a globe filled with many wannabes Where would we find True Identity Where would be our luminaries? 2Tim.3:1-7, 2Cor.10:12, Prov.1:5-7 & Prov8:12
2019-11-14 11:41:05
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2019-11-14 11:42:33
Sachin Bohra
👏 👏 really amazing 💍 💍
2020-06-05 04:10:55
Glory LoveWorld
@Sachin Bohra To Jesus Christ Be All The Glory, I noticed you liked almost everything I've being inspired to write, so I'm inviting to follow me as I follow Christ Jesus. Much Love ❤️ @Glow_Heavenly_Broadcast
2020-06-05 09:09:08
Схожі вірші
وردةٌ قبِيحة
و مَا الّذي يجعلُ مصطلحُ الوردة قبِيحة؟ -مَا الّذي تنتظرهُ من وردةٍ واجهت ريَاح عاتية ؛ وتُربة قَاحلة و بتلَاتٍ منهَا قَد ترَاخت أرضًا ، مَا الّذي ستصبحهُ برأيك؟
Хрест - навхрест
Хрест – навхрест в’яжу пейзаж, від учора і до завтра. Кожен жест моїх вдихань має кривду, має правду. Хрест – навхрест мої думки полотно це поглинає. Еверест мого життя чи екватор? Я не знаю. Хрест – навхрест чи треба так? Сподіваюсь, сподіваюсь.. Кожен текст своєї долі витримати намагаюсь. Хрест – навхрест добро та зло. Поруч, разом, нерозривні. Без божеств та без чортів.. Бо живуть усі на рівні. Хрест – навхрест таке життя. І нічого з цим не зробиш. Кожен жест має свій шлях, злий та добрий, ти як хочеш?