Caught between two worlds
He was transfixed in a fix
Standing between two choices
He pondered on which call to pick
Carefully weighing his options
He gazed on in oblivion
His heart full of questions
Not knowing where to begin
They both looked alike
Felt alike and appealed alike
Alike they were camouflaged
Yet he knew better than to trust his eyes
For not all that glitters is truly gold,
Many traps lay disguised
In a perfect gift of dazzling art
Thus refusing to be fooled by trojan gifts
He took a pause to ask the Lord
Which of these should be my choice?
And his answers came by a gentle voice
Just look ahead and there you'll see
My perfect gift shining before you
Beyond the illusions beside you
There you'll see what I've prepared for you
Beyond the sea of trials that has troubled you.
Photo Credit-
2018-10-26 18:55:45