Through the trials and through the storms,
Through the thunder and tumultuous bellows,
We rise up strong from every suffering,
Knowing this Truth and nothing more
That no reproach could ever compare
The weight of glory, to be seen in us
Which shall be unleashed from deep within
Revealed in us, by the Spirit of the Lord.
For unto us that hold on strong,
Do every creature, earnestly do wait
To see manifest divinities like us
Fulfilling the Blessing upon the world
That in the plan, which Adam did fail
A reborn man could fully restore
Through the power of Christ
The Glory of God,
To be evident, upon the earth
Immortals in seeming bodies of mortals,
Injected in the power of Christ
Reborn and charged, fuelled and filled
Divinized and empowered,
Anointed and appointed
Fortified to win the war,
The earth earnestly waits
The replenishing of its crux
Having its foundations renewed
All by the power of the Blessing.
The world earnestly awaits the manifestation of the Sons of God, for the replenishing of the earth. Sons of God, born anew, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:21.
Photo Credit- ejaugsburg
2019-06-03 12:08:30