Desperate Promises Prt.2
A twist of love it had become Barely a year in marital bond A paradoxical twist of promises Erupting at every turn With all hope seeming lost He knew no where else to turn With frustration mounting high, He decided to shut them down A part of him loved her still Yet the how to was oblivious to him So a long walk he took along the sea shores Begging his heart to cooperate once more But nothing he felt was the same His emotions undulating like the sea waves His heart sluggishly beating in pace Only his Faith seemed unfazed In the midst of his heartache and pain All he found was the faith He once knew A weak faith to save his split home Such Faith like a mustard seed sown Not sure if it could save his Love With a weary heart he cried to the Lord Crumbling to his knee like the sea before him He wept his heart out like a kid And when everything was still With no more aching tears to weep He heard the still small voice Breathing upon his broken soul Speaking from deep within He heard this gentle words of His Let me teach you how to love her And you will learn to love like no other Let me teach you to commit to her And you'll be devoted to no other Let me show you the true heart of love And your love will rise above the storm Let me teach you the meaning of a promise And empty bickering you'll make no more Let me teach you the secret recipe for peace And your hearts peace would never cease True rest you'll find in the midst of her flaws True rest you'll find despite all her clause Superseding all your inadequacies Let me teach you the true meaning of Love. ©heavenly_broadcast # PhotoCredits- Punchline- Love is not just an emotion, rather Love is first God, who teaches us how to love by loving us first; that beyond the frailty of men, by Him we'll learn, how to live perfectly in Love through His example of Love. John 3:16, 1Cor.13 & 1Jhn.4:8.
2018-11-23 06:54:17
Схожі вірші
Я отпущу с временем дальше ...
Так было нужно , я это лишь знаю Ты ушёл как ветра свежости дым Оставив на прощание " прости ", Забрав с собою частичку души Я больше об этом перестала плакать , И начала двигаться дальше забыв Хоть было то лето яркости сладко , Но больше не стану также любить , Хоть постоянно всплывают твои лести фразы , Что мучали глубоко теплотою внутри, Я отпущу с временем дальше И буду двигаться без лишней слёзы, Я не веню тебя за такое решение И понимаю почему было так , Но время летит незаметно Ничего не оставив с собою забрав ...
"Письмо ушедших дней"
Привет , мой милый друг Забыл ли ты, как долго не писала , Прости ,но я хотела отпустить Всю слабостью ,что в себе искала . И может ты проник Моим письмом до дрожи Забыл ли мой дневник , Увиденный стихами одинокой ночи ... Об памяти прошедших дней , Ты не увидишь ни души порока Лишь слабый шепот чувств Уложенных строками тонко . Немой вопрос в глазах Оставлю с времям на последок Легонько холодом касаний уходя , Чтоб не запомнил запах пепла.