To anyone living in and out of challenges,
Whose life seems to negate the bed roses
Look to the Lord and hold on strong
Refusing to give in at problems door
Stretch forth your faith, believing you'll prevail
Because this too would pass again
Yesterday may be sad
And today may seem worse
But refuse to faint in the midst of them all
Look strong to your source
Your maker, your strength,
Your present help, in time of need
And in Him you'll find, the light you need
In Him you'll see the light indeed
The light of life that gives you hope
Bringing you to your destined point
The light of life that gives you strength
Bringing you to your desired end
So lift up the head that may hang low
For tomorrow holds for you, great joy to show
Jesus is the source, whom we speak of
And this is perfect truth
From one who's gone through.
Though your life may be a bed of undulating hurdles; Look ahead and you'll see, great glories awaiting you in yonder lights. For every challenge has an end, destined to bring you great victories. Thus after the tests comes the Testimonies, if you'll not give in.
Psalm 27:1, 36:7-9 & John 1:1-4(KJV Bible)
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2019-01-29 07:43:21