Salvation I've found in a person A Person Of Great divinity A divinity born of flesh and blood Flesh and blood yet born of God Who came to redeem man from the curse The curse of sin and death in destruction Destruction unto abys of hell Hell of Everlasting damnation Damnation of Total destruction Destruction without extinction But out of the grave He Arose Triumphant and victorious No more flesh and blood No more flesh & blood, but Flesh & Bones For in flesh stead, He bears liquid fire Liquid fire for you and I That we no more should ever die Now being partakers of divinity in Christ Simply by believing That He came & died And Arose the Third Day, Triumphant As a drink offering poured out for us His blood had purchased our redemption Our Redemption from All The curse And So by Liquid fire our protection was done The liquid fire of His Anointing The Anointing of His Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit of Pentecost The Pentecost of restoration Restoring our place in divinity Causing our God to dwell in Us By the in-filling of the Holy Spirit Wherein we Now Say Christ in US, Our HOPE Of Glory Who came and died and did Arise Ascended in Glory Without a Doubt Leaving with us His Sweet Spirit The Very Earnest of Our inheritances Our inheritance in Our precious Christ Our precious Christ who lives Forever. ©heavenly_broadcast PUNCHLINE- Oh, What Salvation I've Found In a Person A Person Of Divinity... ©heavenly_broadcast EPILOGUE To Everyone seeking, Every soul searching, every heart hungry, every spirit Thirsty, seeking and searching, for real answers, true satisfaction to feed your distressed souls. This is for you, a soothing balm to heal your wounds, a soothing balm to mend your heart, healing the spirit of your eyes, the VERY eyes of your inner mind. To see the Truth of your perfect Christ, The Perfect Truth of The Love of Christ. Harden NOT YOUR HEART, A Second More, rather Open Up, and Let Him in, let Him Come in and Dwell will Thee, filling you to Eternity, simply by Saying “Jesus I Believe, and With My Heart I Receive you In.” ©heavenly_broadcast Luke 24:39, Ephesians 5:30, Acts 1:8, 2:1-10 & Romans 10:9 JESUS IS LORD! Photo Credits- David Sorensen @
2020-05-06 07:49:30
Схожі вірші
Приходи (RU-UA)
Черничные пироги, молоко с мёдом. Приходи. Почитаю тебе стихи и раны замажу йодом. Буду исцелять поэтапно все твои трещинки и порезы, даже в твоё заледеневшее сердце, поверь мне, — смело полезу. Повір! Залізу без страху. Без жалю, не боячись. Бо наше розпалене вогнище змушує бути хоч чимось. І тільки не хвилюйся — ми не розчинимось. Ні одне у одному, ні у часі. Мы снова столкнёмся, неспособные противостоять этой связи. Истощенные, но в друг друге, нашедшие дом. Якщо не перше життя, то і не перший том. Не перший різновид мов у моїх віршах. Не найдёшь меня в жизни? Отыщешь во снах. За той дверью, где я нам в пирог добавляю чернику. Приходи. Мне одной без тебя здесь ужасно дико.
Сумую без тебе
Сумую без тебе, кохана Так важко на серці мені. Приходь ти до мене жадана, Щоночі. Хоча б уві сні. Загляну в кохані я очі, Не йди, прошепчу. Я люблю. Та довгі безсоннії ночі, Вбивають вже душу мою. Прошу я, відкрий моє серце, Ти подихом ніжним своїм. Відчиню заховані дверці, Закриті на сотні замків.