Stop The Fear
Tis the fear of death that make men dead And the fear of evil that brings them trouble No reality ever kills, like the fear of it For you were created to attract, the thoughts of your heart But the power of death, is swallowed up in Christ So look unto Him, your destiny In whom you can live, a life of bliss Totally free, from the fear of ills Free in Him and free indeed So let your realities be framed by Him Whose triumph brings you, the free gift of Love Shielding you from, the world horrors Birthing the precious gift of liberty Birthing a life free from fear Totally free, liberated indeed. Though the room may be dark Without a ray of light And though dark shadows may crowd Your inner mind Just look above and hold on strong Holding on to the Lord Your Redemption Refusing the appeal of your nagging fears Looking unto the Lord And Do Not Fear. ©heavenly_broadcast # PUNCHLINE- Hold on to the Lord Your Redemption Refuse the appeal of your nagging fears But embrace the Love Of your precious Lord Lifting your head To the one who care Looking unto the Lord And Do Not Fear. Isa.43 &44.
2019-08-02 10:37:14
Схожі вірші
I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
وردةٌ قبِيحة
و مَا الّذي يجعلُ مصطلحُ الوردة قبِيحة؟ -مَا الّذي تنتظرهُ من وردةٍ واجهت ريَاح عاتية ؛ وتُربة قَاحلة و بتلَاتٍ منهَا قَد ترَاخت أرضًا ، مَا الّذي ستصبحهُ برأيك؟