Meeting Janniel
When I first saw you in nightfield, Thought you were a usual human, Saw how a glowing you have unsealed, Thousands of fireflies I have seen. That tempted me to get closer to you, To understand how you illuminated the night, While with silent steps approaching to you, I waited for my innermost to give me a cue. What are these? What have you ignited? Why fires still hover in an empty air? I have never seen this, I was so benighted. With my ignorance I approached without being invited. Suddenly, I felt passing through water wall, What I saw just step ago changed in another step, Now livings changed to endless black hall, With infinite sparks enlighting that dreadful hall. Then my mind has reacted to what I see, "Welcome to our world" said the voice, With heartwarming laughter that was free From reproach, to uninvited guest, as he had foreseen. "This, my dear is our world as I said, I can make myself big or small. Don't be afraid to move and tread, As you don't have a power to be a threat." I roamed freely in a tightly compressed world, Naturally waved myself among these dust, My behaviour affected nothing in this dreamworld, As if transparent ghost was this world. "It is real, it is just you that lack ability", Then somehow world started to enlarge. After it stopped to and I recalled in fiery Our galaxy, Earth that was in vivacity. With both hands in a begging way, I moved my hands underneath the Sun, Lowered my cheek on it to pay Respect and get a kiss from the master of these rays...
2018-09-12 18:39:15
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That is so beautiful..... 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
2018-09-13 12:30:13
Jailin Derozen
@Mysterious Thank you
2018-09-13 17:39:16
This is really goood.
2021-06-07 19:40:21
Схожі вірші
Сумую без тебе
Сумую без тебе, кохана Так важко на серці мені. Приходь ти до мене жадана, Щоночі. Хоча б уві сні. Загляну в кохані я очі, Не йди, прошепчу. Я люблю. Та довгі безсоннії ночі, Вбивають вже душу мою. Прошу я, відкрий моє серце, Ти подихом ніжним своїм. Відчиню заховані дверці, Закриті на сотні замків.
Тишина ночного неба
Полный город одиноких улиц И фонарики вокруг в глазах горят В темноте стен полыхает ветер молча , Сцены шелеста теней играя без конца ... Мнимость разных звёзд по небу Освещает путь ко царству сна Тем , кто в глубине ночи не встретил , Свой покой без тучь мыслей сполна ... Тишиной ночного насладиться неба , Рано или поздно станет легче слов ... Без ответов улетят запреты Давних чувств и всех тревог Звук сверчков дополнит кредом Пейзаж сердца споведь звёзд , Лишь о том , что дни болело От полных будней забот