Jenny Frye
Married 37 year old Female with 2 girls looking to get my poems published
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Just saying Thank you
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My Story isn't Over Yet! Part 2 Moving Forward
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
My Story Isn't Over Yet! Part 1
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
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Silent Suffering
Silent suffering cries of a once so innocent little girl who often had to be so strong at such a young age who hears the silent cries of this little girl? no one knows, no one cares She was shaking, she was scared! Knowing she couldn't escape, even if she dared! Night after night she sits on her bed alone hearing the screams in her head wanting to run and shout from all her fears no ones around to wipe her tears she was told to keep silent This silent suffering has turned her world upside down! where can she go? what does she do? who does she tell? she did nothing to deserve this? All her once so innocent dreams now turned into fears sadness and madness are the things she tries so hard to hide she cant let out the feelings she keeps buried so deep inside Will someone come rescue me from this Silent Suffering? A voice came from afar saying I've felt your pain I've found a way to end your pain and free you from this nightmare you will be free, I can give you strength   So you can find hope to hold within   There will come a day that you will stand and lift your voice from all your despair and rise up for all the world to hear!
Your Light Will Shine Again
As long as I can think back, I have said and done the wrong things in life. Everyone kept telling me to be strong. At that point I didnt know what that even looked like. Everything inside me kept screaming to give up. I kept focusing on where I was and not where I could be. That feeling was numbing and I just couldn't shake it. I really started to wonder how much longer I would be stuck in this dark pit? would I ever find my way out? The worst part is when I started to question, will I ever find myself again? And I knew that it's only a matter of time before I break. I soaked my pillow night after night with tears from all the pain and anguish There were nights I layed awake at night wondering, was there Someone somewhere in the world with this same pain and agony? Who feels that they also don't have a voice? Who feels empty and alone? Everywhere I looked, everyone around me had it all together look at them, look how happy they are. they don't have a care in the world. Gosh what I would give be in their shoes At night those painful feelings got more intense. That's when I take out my pen to write.  The rain slashing up against my window and trees howling from the wind. Night after night I felt so alone all I could do was lay there and cry. There were days I had to Pretend to be brave and act like everything was ok. but the constant worry and dread was still upon me. It continued like a steady rate  Finally a breakthrough from the many years of torment and toture!! A small glimmer of hope and sunshine breaks through those rumbling dark clouds that once suffocated me  Telling me I'm meant for bigger and better things Now I can look back at it all and not have to worry or hurt anymore. I'll remember the pain but not feel so sore. I'll remember the tears but not feel so alone. But I won't give into the pressure of going back It's my old life that is now just a distant memory I won't fall victim to this crime of depression I won't be chained and shackled down I'm strong enough now to finish my climb. Many situations I do regret but cannot fix, Times I barely hung on like newly laid bricks.  Despite all of the many things I have said and done wrong in my life I still find many reason to believe I'm much stronger now than I once was I'll let you in on something I will not do. I won't give up! I'm a fighter! My light now shines brighter than ever!
It's Gonna Be Ok Little Angel
If there were some way to Talk to that innocent little Angel to tell her what I know now I wonder what that would be like Would I be able to warn her of what will happen? Would I be able to encourage her to go another way? Could I tell her that I believe her? Would she believe me? Could I tell her what not to say or do? Could I warn her of each tragedy before it strikes? But then I wouldn't be the person I am today! but so much will happen to this little angel It's gonna be ok little angel, I know things are so hard right now having to live in this horrible nightmare being so scared to move, to speak, to think And your trembling in fear From all the dark, evil shadows that are lurking around you It's gonna be ok little angel, you have not been abandoned or deserted Its gonna be ok little angel, you will not feel alone I know that it feels that way now As you are burdened with all your sadness It's gonna be ok little angel, there will come a day the sun will shine so bright into those dark clouds that surround you although it has been so very long that you can't even remember what that's like. It's gonna be ok little angel, just continue to stay strong Through every journey of life I know how very hard that can be When it never feels like its gonna end. Its gonna be ok little angel, I can promise you that God will send you a wonderful friend Who will help you through each & every journey And you will become like family, They will surround you and protect you It's gonna be ok little angel, just know it's not your fault You were never meant to carry this burden alone It's gonna be ok little angel, you are not who you have been told to be But there will be evil ones who will try to cause you more pain and anguish It's gonna be ok little angel, you are worth so much more than the one who gave you a name It's gonna be ok little angel, you have been chosen by a much higher power By the one who has rescued you Even after your heart has been broken, scarred, and frozen It's gonna be ok little angel, everything that I am telling you is so very true I know how hard it is for you to be able to love and trust again Because your heart has held so very much heartache and pain inside Because of this evil world you were brought into Because you have been beaten and broken down And it leaves you wanting to run and hide away forever Its gonna be ok little angel, who can blame you? You've been taught right from wrong but only the opposite With all that you have been through You can't see one speck of light through those dark clouds that surround you It's going to be okay little angel You will make it through And things will be so much better one day although with all this pain, you can't see a break through God is bringing you peace and comfort through it all. You are his child and he Loves you immensely He will never leave you nor forsake you like so many people in your life have One day you will help others by your testimony. It's gonna be ok little angel, you are and always will be wanted, You are God's beloved child although your past is being haunted And not all has been made right He will one day make it right you will Always be God's child And will never be forgotten, But held with his loving arms It's gonna be ok little angel, I know how hard it is To believe and understand right now That loving fathers actually do exist, Who will always protect you and never hurt you But sweet little angel, you are loved, Far greater than you could ever imagine By a Loving Father up above I know how hard that can be to imagine right now But God's love is a love that is pure, and true The kind of love that I know you dream about every night Because sweet little angel, I am you; So trust me when I say this and have no doubt in your mind That we are going to make it through together Things will be so much better one day I promise you And its gonna be ok little angel