My Life
Emotions Depression Anxiety Tears Family Scars Pain Misery Friends Wishes Love Betrayal Fears
Defeat Trust Hopes Dreams
This Is.....
All I remember is tears
Crying after I heard her yell
In my eyes you can see my fears
I wish that I could escape that hell
Years passed by
I fell in love
That was when I began to lie
I began to wish I could fly to above
Scars on my arms
Scars in my heart
I have been hurt by many harms
Because he and I have to stay apart
He found another girl
A girl who said mean things
I wish that I could be his pearl
Or maybe at least grow wings
I want to fly away
Away from those who I thought were my friends
I don't care wich way
As long as my pain ends
I wish I had someone to love
Somone who will hold me while I cry
Someone who won't let me leave to above
No matter how hard I try
I wear a forever mask
So they won't see what I hide
And even if anyone bothers to ask
I will never tell them what I feel inside
I remember a time when I felt real joy
A time when I happily carried on
A time when I was loved by A boy
But now all hope is gone
All I do is shed tears
Crying when I hear them yell
I am surrounded by my fears
Will I ever escape this hell
I wish I could fly away
Away from all harms
I no longer want to stay
Stay in the devils arms
This devil makes me cry
This devil makes me believe hope is gone
This devil makes me feel like I shouldn't try
Try to still carry on
This devil is hurting my mind
My hopes are going down the drain
This devil I want to find
So I can ask why it's putting me
through all this pain
But when I look around
It is clear to see
That this devil is not found
Because this devil is me
But I am stronger then this devil in my head
Because I don't care what it has to say
And someday this devil inside of me will be dead
And I will be okay