It's Complicated
knowing you was a pleasure falling for you was like finding a rare treasure where were you hiding soul mate? seeing how our thoughts are so alike and how our hearts bounded together i believe that's fate i know everything happen for a reason but for us our time was not right just wish i have known you little bit sooner you and me were not meant to be ourlives are different our plans are alreay set and we can do nothing about it this one i bet whatever comes next we'll have to accept we can't be together i know so we can't hold each other i know that too we can't confess our feelings anymore unfortunately that's true so much pain to endure can't take it no more everything took its normal shape but us everything turned into a mistake because of us now i know ,what happened between us is something much bigger than me to control it and much bigger than you to let it floe there's no other way but for you to say let's be friends's a terrible plan my heart can't be stuck again all i get to say just wish i have known you little bit sooner you know how much i hate goodbyes i just don't want to cry without you by my side this was such a beautiful journey along the way so instead of kissing me goodbye one day tell me you'll be just OK 💔
2018-07-21 14:40:34
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كاســـــــــرة القيـــــــــود
Good to hear 😀 means so much thank you ❤
2018-07-21 15:05:20
كاســـــــــرة القيـــــــــود
i will write more real soon 😉😄
2018-07-21 15:09:09
كاســـــــــرة القيـــــــــود
😁😁 ❤❤
2018-07-21 15:10:22
Схожі вірші
Присвячую тобі вірші українською, Бо не знаю, якою мовою висловлювати свої почуття. Хоча, для тебе, мабуть, краще російською, Але я вірю: зрозумієш і так. Бо коли ми зустрінемось, важливим буде лиш погляд: Серце не потребуватиме слів, Йому буде байдуже звідки ми родом, Навіть, якщо з ворожих країн.
Неловкость в улыбке рассвета
Застыли на окошке вечерние узоры И снова мокрый дождик под лёгкий ветерочек , Без красок сонный кофе под пару твоих строчек .. Меня лишь согревает тепло твоих улыбок , Что заглушает холод давно проникших смыслов , А завтра снова будет тяжёлый понедельник, Но знаю ,что с тобою не страшен даже вечен , На сердце оставляя хорошим настроеньем , Сначала начиная срок время скоротечен Лишь парой фраз в инете, Мне брошенных с приятным воскресеньем...