Swimming in the deep depths of tales A place where writers sometimes go In urgent need to find themselves To envision again the writing flow A place where words swim like fish Many are like sirens that sing in bubbles that carries their voices in bliss Hiding their beauty in the trenches tunnels All glow shining with inscriptions within Giving ideas that can create A plot for your mind to confine in That exploit to initiate. As you go deeper in the abyss of it's body It gets darker, colder Luring you to it's embody Time is growing older As getting closer yet feeling bolder Enthralled in its ebony shadows shoulder Now alone with a blank mind No one can save you this time It's up to you on how to evade the mine. It wants you there Now trapped and soon in need of air You're falling in despair It's calling you but seemingly to not bear!!! Swimming through is a murky cast It swims in, at full blast Stalks you like a shark Can't see well it's too dark!!! Freshly still like a simple bass It's way too sharply fast As hoping that good fate Will make it pass Or make you it's ideal bait Maybe even to occasion a special date. It comes...... It comes!!! Then silence fills to surround Yet there's nothing around With not a speck of sound What has happened? This is all so rapid... Am I dead in the oceanic's shroud? Then a source of swirling light Endows my presence A feeling so unique in essence giving me a sense of no fright Darkness and fear is now evanescence What never was to result in a bad bite. Now my hands are inspired to naturally write For the seas stories had conspired To paint in black ink Giving a talent with passion So there's no way for them to sink But to float like jellies With pink flopping bellies Giving them a sensual attraction Almost like ballerinas in a stage That dance with grace To the seas gravity with no name or age Love how well they rhythm in same pace It's all now coming to me.... And I can see and do I proudly see In a sweet art masterpiece That I made it be... I want to feel it's dew It's meadow harmony that arches in peace In the profound beauty of it's blue The skill I carried and always knew Was never far from me I had to get prompted starting at new Hey you got this don't worry Now get on and write your story....
2020-01-05 03:21:04
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I do not want to sound harsh but your poems are quite lengthy......otherwise it is wonderful.......I love it......
2020-01-07 16:52:44
Yes they are always been that, why? Cause i love saying a story too, with a very short poem it's hard expressing a story and most people love long poems. A poem has has no writing limit. It can be so long and be very interesting to read. If the poem starts good i stay reading same with a story. I have my longest poem and it is very long. Lol but i am saying how i feel in it and soon I'll post here.
2020-01-07 16:58:03
Схожі вірші
Печаль прячется в словах
Полны отчаяния слова Достигли й душат вдруг меня Не знаю дальше как мне быть И стоит ли их отпустить Всю грусть ,что прячется внутри Пусть заберёт с собою дни А шоколад утешет впредь Всё горести уйдут под дверь Но чувства ,что живут внутри Не скроешь с время позади Ведь вырвуться с оков груди Их не сдержать нечем увы ... Как не было мне тяжело Я не смогу забить их льдов И холод тот , что тронул весь Согреть не сможет даже лесть...
Хай буде так
«And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be"» Beatles - Let it be Хай буде так. Прийми своє життя. Прийми негоду, біль і в серці рану. Прийми свою не вічність, як буття. Прийми, що у людей на тебе інші плани. І не кричи, не плач, коли летиш із неба. Земля тверда. Це так. Реальна. Не м'яка. Живи та не шкодуй. Так було треба. Можливо не тобі. Комусь. Чиясь рука. Ти витримав. Стерпів. Усі пройшов дороги. Ти не зламався, ні. Ти просто біг не так. Ти просто падав. Просто вірив богу, І довіряв не тим. Кохав не так. Хай буде так. Прийми, що ти один І залишайся сильним, що б не було далі. Життя лиш мить, в яку стікає плин годин. Лиш зайчик сонячний, ребро медалі. Бо що б не було - ти не вічний, ні. І те що має тут коштовність, там - згорає. Ти помираєш тут. Зникаєш на війні. Та пам'ятай - у смерті щастя аж ніяк немає.