The path to self destruction...
All my life i have wanted to be loved.. Said like this it sounds pathetic but doesn't everyone seeks it? Acceptance?Understanding?Respect?Attention? Those are forms of love too.I never knew i had it in me to stoop so low,to embrace the darkness in me.I have loved so many & lost myself in so many.I had been the victim for a long time and i never realised i would be the abuser today. I knew this was going to be the last time i would love someone as now i can't seem to find any love in me to give. I am not the same either.Its like all the love i had was turned into hot burning fire.And it keeps on burning & burning myself and thyself... The path to self destruction knowingly or unknowingly is a lonely endless road... You have survived the unlovable parts of me to tell.. Because i let you see me.. All of me.. I have loved you more than anyone will ever be able to tell you if you ask.. You just could not let me love you as you have your own share of darkness to deal with...
2019-01-14 00:07:33
Схожі вірші
Без вагань
Ми летіли в всесвіт без вагань, Залишивши цей світ сам. Без космічних почуттів, Світ в твоїх очах згорів. І я не я, і ти не ти, Ми залишились в самоті...
Пиріг із медом (UA)
Крокуй до раю, крокуй до мене. Гаряча кава, пиріг із медом. Або якщо забажаєш — ромашковий чай. Приходь до мене. Будь ласка. Приїжджай. Крокуй до двері, а я у чашку відріжу лимона ломтик. На столі — пиріг із медом, а мені найсолодший твій дотик.