Mother, Where were you when i needed you the most.. Mother, Why didn't you come to see me at the hospital when i was a kid.. Mother, Why did you threaten to kill us when you are the one who gave birth to us.. Mother, Why were you always so bitter and angry all the time.. Mother, Why did you punish us for your miserable life you were living... Mother, Weren't you suppose to be the home we come to when we are scare.. Weren't you the one we were suppose to look to.. Weren't you the one who was suppose to give love,trust & safety.. Mother, You failed us.. You punished us for whatever you went through.. You took away from us any chance of a normal childhood.. Mother, I have only one & none will ever be able to replace you.. I was a kid then.. I was a teenager then.. I am a woman now.. I don't know about forgiveness nor love.. I don't know how to describe our relationship.. But, i have got your honnesty,your generosity,your anger,your bitterness & your strength.. So Mother, Thank you... No,the means for raising us weren't right.. Still, we turned out to be amazing individuals,each in their own way...
2018-09-18 17:20:13
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Omg.... This is so emotional..... Gosh.... I read it over and over🖤🖤🖤
2018-09-18 18:36:39
Madison Tyler
Words can't describe how i felt. So cold
2018-09-19 09:55:10
Схожі вірші
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.
Я граю лише уві снах...
Я граю лише уві снах, Гітару, мов тебе, обіймаю, І пісня стара на вустах, Що в серці болем лунає. Я граю лише уві снах, Мелодію, давно що забута, І печаль в блакитних очах — Мій жах і муза, мій смуток. Я граю лише для тебе, Хоч знаю, що плід ти уяви, І біль губить нестерпний — Я гину, а пісня лунає... Я граю мелодію ніжну Та бігти хочеться геть, Як чую солодку я пісню: Вона нагадає про смерть... Бо вона серце зворушить І змусить згадати тебе, Ну нащо грати я мушу І палати мертвим вогнем? Поховавши, я присяглася, Що забута гітара — ось так, Бо пісня для тебе лилася... Я граю лише уві снах...