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Hey y'all!!!
Yes, it's me. Your eyes aren't deceiving you. I'm back! *wipes a tears because it ain't time to be all emotional and shiz* And I have *groans as I put down the bags of weirdness I hold with me* a lot of weirdness to show y'all, so be prepared! :p
Anywhore-ANYWAYS, How are you guys doing... In your houses? :)
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@STELLA RAYMOND oooh, you paint? Me too! Welp, it does seem that you are entertaining yourself at home! That's great to hear :p and don't worry about the hunger part, that's all of us nowadays.
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I don't know if it's because I've matured or because I just truly lost care in the world, but I don't care that my birthday is coming soon. I don't care that school is starting. I don't care when people praise my sister for every little thing she've done and act like I've accomplished nothing. I don't care that my father cares about getting richer rather taking care of us. I don't care if my 'frie...
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Part 1
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
It's okay, just a little bit more. I thought as I run down the hallway eager to reach my destination. Obviously, running isn't the thing for me. I slowed down as a familiar wall came to my vision and sat in the corner panting. I looked around making sure not a single soul was around. Nobody is supposed to see this.
Should I do this? I've been clean for 2 months now, but this won't ruin it... righ...
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Life is Not A Game
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
You know, nowadays, people often seem to make me notice that life is being treated more like a game than what it actually is. People are now playing it as a game rather than living it as a life. To others life has now become a game. The things that you should or shouldn't do, what you can do or can not do, the things you're supposed to do or aren't supposed to do. For example, when someone texts y...
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Being 'Okay' And Being 'Happy'
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
The thing about being 'Okay', is that it is not the same as being 'Happy'. In fact, being 'Happy' and being 'Okay' are two parallel lines. Although both parties have too much similarities, they still do not meet, they still at the end of the day are not one.
Being 'Okay' is the gray space that lies in-between the white and black. It is not peace, nor is it the darkness that lies beneath. Be...
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A Father 2 (?)
Різне, Цікаве
(18+) "I heard that she sells her body for money."
"It's true! I heard that she spends most of her time with different men."
I don't.
"Damn, no wonder her father is dead, he probably got sick of her shit that he killed himself."
"You know what else? Her siblings abandoned her two days after her father's death."
They didn't!
"God, even her siblings couldn't tolerate a slut like her"
Stop! P...
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A Father
Різне, Думки вголос, Цікаве
I remember when I was a teenager, my father came to my room with a smile drawn on his face and sat on the bed in front of me
"Hey kiddo, need help?" He asked
To say I was shocked was an understanment. My father was never around, he was always over the seas to work. Even on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries he won't be there with us. Even that time when grandpa died and mom was so depressed...
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@ملاك عطوات *sigh* Unfortunately, my friend, we don't always get what we want in life
Dual Emotions
Цитати, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Smiles can show the beauty of emotions, yet still grief is one of them.
Even when our tears can reflect our happiness, yet they still pour out our sorrows.
But our hearts can never express the love we once felt after the pain of betrayal.
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Особисте, Різне, Думки вголос
In my whole life I never missed a person nor wanted someone back in my life, but here I am waiting for the moment you'd bring me back to yours. For the first time I'm regretting what I've done, but I can't take it back... I had no choice and now I think you probably dislike me hate me even... you have all the right to be angry and not want me back ,yet I still hope you'll understand me and stand n...
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Особисте, Цитати, Думки вголос
The only thing I can do is to pretend that I've forgotten you and make you believe that you're unwanted
Цитати, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Family is not made by blood it's made by the people you love
Питання, Думки вголос, Цікаве
Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea
But do you have any idea how deep the stone can go?
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