Remember me even if I have to say goodbye. Leaving with no assurance of coming back tomorrow I know am going to leave a hollow in your heart I hate myself for being selfish but my time to rest has come Remember me when people and things turn against you Know I'll always be there to listen Tell me of your worries like before Even if I can't answer, I will Always listen Remember me when you loose hope and strength Think of my not so wise words I know they will help you find your way and callling Cz I know you have a bright future Remember of all the things we did together The sad, happy and boring moments we shared Keep all our memories alive All I carry with me are the happy days and moments we had Remember me cz of how hard I fought to stay by your side, but this is my calling. Time has come for me to go my way. Do not let anything bring you down for I know you're strong Remember the words I told you when  they said that am loosing the battle, use them in life I will be with you every step of the way To see you achieve our dreams, now your dreams With my strength failing and pen out of ink. I promise to be with you always,  I will be the air you breath, the wind that cools you  when it's hot,  close your eyes everytime you miss me and you will see my smile Goodbye my dear friend, I love you always
2019-01-09 10:10:31
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kanyita kanyita
2021-01-12 04:16:35
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Eleanor Rigby
Lucian J. Sources
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Question 1?/Вопрос 1?
The girl that questions everything,is a girl that needs many answers.She wanders the earth trying to find the person that can answer her many queries.Everthing she writes has a hidden question that makes her heart ache and her head hurt.She spends days writing sad story's that she forgets her sad life.Shes in a painful story that never ends,she's in a story that writes itself.The pages in the book were filled ever so easy,because her heart wrote it for her.She spent her life being afraid,that's what made it so boring.Finding her passion was easy,but fulfilling it was the hardest part of all.Her writing may be boring and sad,but it's what keeps her sane. "She had all the questions in the word,and he had all the answers." Lillian xx
Впізнай себе...
Впізнай себе в моїх словах , Що виливаються в пісні. Ти знову є в моїх віршах . Я їх присвячую тобі. Всі погляди твої ласкаві, Я все змалюю у віршах. Тихенько ,щоб вони не знали До тебе я прийду у снах. Коли у дзеркало поглянеш А там побачиш лиш мене. Знов вірші всі мої згадаеш, І знов впізнаеш там себе. І в день Святого Валентина, Ми стали друзями с тобою. Нехай зупинится хвилина, Я розлучилася з журбою....