Weeks ago, the doctors told us that That a very sneaky, shape shifting, rapid proliferation, demon-cancer moving with a sadistic glee Was swiftly violating your body Its Venom trickling down your body A dark cloud hovered in the summer sky We never knew anything for certain But we were hopeful and looked forward to your recovery I remember your brave face through all the pain and suffering You didn't shed a single tear; In your eyes we saw pain and agony Slowly tears rolled down our eyes, they wouldn't refrain. you stayed intact, strong and positive You gave us hope, you promised to be okay We knew the time had come to say goodbye, It was so hard to let you go You told me, mwili ni maua And now I understand that we are impermanent beings that eventually fade away, So I'll love life, be thankful, and just do the best I can for as long as I can. There is a ferocious fire, slowly scorching and tormenting us, To be brave is to cry, they say We have been balling our eyes out since we received the news of your demise. Rest my dear auntie It's hard to say goodbye We love you Huruka uhoro
2023-11-18 19:58:30
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Тишина ночного неба
Полный город одиноких улиц И фонарики вокруг в глазах горят В темноте стен полыхает ветер молча , Сцены шелеста теней играя без конца ... Мнимость разных звёзд по небу Освещает путь ко царству сна Тем , кто в глубине ночи не встретил , Свой покой без тучь мыслей сполна ... Тишиной ночного насладиться неба , Рано или поздно станет легче слов ... Без ответов улетят запреты Давних чувств и всех тревог Звук сверчков дополнит кредом Пейзаж сердца споведь звёзд , Лишь о том , что дни болело От полных будней забот
Why would you bully? Was that okay? Nobody helped me, Get out of the way. And i didn't cry. And i didn't lie. I just looked at you. With a fake smile. You could love me. You really could. But you didn't. You left me alone. And then i cried. And then i lied. I left my world, Without any love. Someone will need you. Someone will shout. Listen to the scream. Help the people live. ♡ Inspired by "13 reasons why" Netflix series.