Bitch, you're in the friendzone, If you wan' live then run, If you get out of control I'll shoot you with a gun, I need to relax, I have too much stress, I've so many bucks, yeah, I made a mess in your head, All those bitches are ducks, I wanted my heart to be untouched, But those bitches want to get fucked, These bitches don't fuck with me just 'cuz I'm rude and hard, They don’t know that my heart's bleeding and pierced right through, I'm childfree but they're dumb an' don't understand what I'm doin', They'll not understand why I chose this, Due to the fact that I do not want a child, I lose less MONEY, They'll consider me a donkey anyway... Uhh... I'm sitting in bed with a phone and thinking about the future, My legs cannot function, but I crawl for money, I don't listen to their bullshit, I'm too isolated and lonely, They first became attached to me, and I punished 'em, Bony bitches are so disgusting to me, they look like anorexics, If they'd come to me with a request to fix their skin, I would send 'em away, they themselves chose this PATH... HMM... HAHA... These bitches come to me themselves... They themselves chose this PATH... I put up with the fact that everyone 'round me are crazy, Do you all really still hate me? Who'll die today? I am bettin', You cannot change this bid, I'm gathering a party, Join faster, you can not come, Do not act like a bastard, buy yourself popcorn, My character is very hard, my child has the same character, he was recently born, I bought myself juice, instead of a straw I've a devil's horn, Only stupid bitches will mourn him, To get the booty I hit hard, It's not so cruel, it's just the beginnin' of rage, Now this devil in his own cage, Bro, look at the mind and not at age, You can call me just a savage, You'll look stupid when fall to your knees, Relax, bro, I ain't so strict, I'll be surprised if this is your instinct, I shouldn't bring anything to the devil, My bitch still THINKS I AM MENTALLY ILL, I don't even look who I'M KILLIN', Do you regret that felt all of my feelings? Nigga didn’t die because of me, he asked me to give him a belt, and he hanged himself, I DIDN'T KILL HIM, YEAH, HAH? HE HANGED HIMSELF, AND I DIDN'T KILL HIM... I’ve been sittin' at home for three days thinkin' 'bout the future, Watchin' those around is torture I almost broke my own fortress, Nigga constantly sits and does nothing like with a nest, He thinks that if he does nothing, someone will bless him, He still walks in fake "Supreme", Вы все такие пофигисты, If y'all don’t hear me, I will be the same, These bitches are sale, I can buy 'em, Because I'mma rich boy, I've a company, I have my own house, and I have a car and fame, Repeat, CAR AND WEALTH, CAR AND WEALTH... I have my own son... BUT HE'S FACELESS... I ALREADY WON... YOU ARE TASTELESS, MY SON'S PERFECT... Because of all the changes, MY HEAD HURTS... Am I dyin', or is it just dizziness?...
2020-03-06 11:01:57
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1st line is like epic dude epic... Where does all these darkness come to you from??? Huh? Huh?huh???... After a long time though...nice...keep up...
2020-03-06 14:24:48
@JENOVA JACKSON CHASE these lines goes from my head/my life, and my mood... P.s. BLVVDTHIRSTINESS IN 1 WEEK
2020-03-06 18:57:54
Схожі вірші
" Вздох неба "
Я теряю себя , как птица в полете Каждый вздох облегчения , Когда вижу неба закат Мне плохо , когда не дотронуться К твоим обьятьям свободно , Но я знаю, что ты не услышишь , Мой вслип слёз из-за окна ... За глубиной туч темного неба Ранее, чем ты уже вспомнишь И подумаешь, как я скучаю , Скрою всю грусть.тишиной ... Может быть сердца стук угнетает И воздух из лёгких рвется волной Но ритм одной песни будет на память , Тех последних слов ветра холодов ... Пока не угаснет горизонт пламя Последнего огня без тебя , Багры унесут строки мгновенно Без следа раньше тепла ... P.s: Грусть неба скрывает больше чем мы думаем ...✨💫✨ 🎶 Where's My Love ~ SYML 🎶
"Я буду помнить"
Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда минутой будет гнусно И одиноко грянет в след Дождь смыв порою мои чувства Я буду помнить о тебе , Когда нагрянет новый вечер И ветер заберёт себе Мои увечены надежды . Я буду помнить, тот момент, Когда тебя со мной не стало Оставив только мокрый цент С того ,что в сердце потеряла Я буду помнить твой уход , Да может быть, тогда слезами Теперь совсем под тихий сон Обняв подушку крепко швами .