Funny and handsome
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Super Man Technically is DC's version of Ant-Man
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Let them eat brother!
One says that My children are dwarfs That no one seems taller Than the other. That they never take a bath That they are soiled. That they eat lice From their clothes Let them eat, brothers, Until the system changes, Until exploitation ends; Let them eat brother, Because we are on the way To build Ujamaa But, at present, The system has not changed. Let them eat, brother, Because the rich nations Are not yet ready To die a little So that the poor nation may live: Let them eat, brother, Because the rich man Is not yet ready To die a little So that the poor man may live Let them drink water, Let them eat air, Let them digest the sunshine Because that is what I can afford to buy. Meanwhile I wait For Uhuru to flower, For Uhuru to come When the time is ripe. Let them eat brother, Because the rich man Is convinced that It’s because I’m lazy That they don’t have food. That they don’t have good health. That they wear rags. And that their house Is like an abandoned hut Let them eat brother Because the rich man Thinks that it’s because I don’t plan my family Let them eat brother. Because the rich man Does not like to hear That he is rich Because of me That I work hard, But for him and Not for myself That it’s only because I’m a slave of a system That I lead a poor life.
Last day on earth
If this was your last day on earth Would you waste or make it worth Live like it's your death or your birth If this was your last day on earth? Some say the will buy all the things they need yeah! Some say they will regret the bad things they did yeah! Some say they make this last day their last best deed oh! And I said i wanna show... If this was my last day on earth I will make it worth Live it like it's my birth If this was the last day on earth What would you do? Some say they'll laugh out the whole day long Some say they'll forget the fears and be just strong Some say they'll think of the times when they were wrong And I say.... If this was my last day on earth I will make it worth Live it like it's my birth If this was the last day on earth  Then I just walked amongst a group of rich and poor Asked them what would they like to do? The rich said they'll forget the money, the status the power They'll sing and gift everyone a rose flower The poor said they're happy and make their next life better They'll pray they'll be educated and could write a letter Some say they'll sing like there's no other hour Some say they'll dance like they're blooming like a flower Some say they'll tell their loved ones how much they care Some say they teach the bullies f*ck up now they dare But you know what i say.... If you live each day like your last day on earth Think how much life would be worth How happy you'll be with no fear There will be smiles no tear You'll always care for your dear You'll do what you swear You'll never think you need a chance to take a new birth So think that today is your last day on earth No meaning in this life  As fire rages out  All shadows disappear Till the end  In dust Yet the sun will shine like a Bright star in the sullen sky  Shimmering To the emptiness called  Earth  This universe lives  Breathes  It grows  So one day we will meet up again  Somewhere  We knows
A five year old asked me once: "If you could pick one superpower, what would you choose?" His head was filled with the sounds of glorious proclamations and imaginary battles where the bad guys are killed, and everybody wins. I smiled at him, and told him I would be a water bender Because Kitara kicks butt. He ran away gleefully to tell children he thinks are his friends about it, and I was left alone to ponder over the bodies of bad guys.   And I realized I had just lied to a five year old.   If I could choose a superpower, If I could choose If I could choose I would choose the power to forgive anybody Kinda a let-down for a five year old, huh? But life, Life is full of let downs. I was let down when I saw my superman lift weights- Yet not able to uplift hearts- because his own was broken by a skeleton in the ground. I've been let down by women with x-ray vision seeing into my perversion, finally turn away weeping for the sins of humanity. I know I could be the fastest man in eternity, and still not outpace my guilt or mortality.   Still I see that the world is saved for another day! Except we still have gangs Except we still have war And I realize the only power we all learn to master is how to turn invisible So nobody can see our faults. And when we do so, when we turn invisible, We can't be forgiven: Nobody can see my faults, because nobody can see me. So to survive we have to be invisible and to forgive we have to be vulnerable and unable to do either I slip to the ether-     I changed my mind. I pick water bending. So when this five year old comes back to me, nursing a black eye and weeping, wishing he was strong enough to fight back, I try to tell him about... Jesus and about forgiving your enemies.   But he's just beginning to experience the expedience of evil He hasn't yet tried with every muscle in his body to turn to his bullies and lay out the fact that he was hurt. And his abusers have never learned how to let go of their need for control, and whisper "I'm sorry". So that we can contort our mouths and squeeze out those simple words, ... "I forgive you". If that happened, maybe we could all be saved; But it doesn't So all I can offer my five year old is a hug An ice pack and silence.