Health is priority
I _Gemini Wrld as a writer I do care my health status
The other day, I read a blog post that admonished against sharing personal confidences with your fitness trainer. Your personal trainer is not your therapist, it said, and even though it can be tempting to unload during sessions, you absolutely shouldn’t. The post’s closing sentence advised that while you should be polite and nice to your trainer, you should not “indulge in the impulse” to share your vulnerabilities.
Granted, I am not a therapist, nor do I claim to be one. I don’t offer relationship advice, psychotherapy, or addiction counseling. I’m being paid to offer exercise (and sometimes nutrition) advice, and I stick to those things.
And even though the client-trainer relationship can begin to feel very informal over time, it’s important for trainers to remember that clients are just that — clients. They may feel like friends, but they are customers first.
That being said, I would never want my clients to feel that they can’t be vulnerable with me. It’s hard to work with clients who are “polite and nice” but won’t share anything meaningful about their life outside our sessions.
I’m in the human development business, and my job is a lot harder if it feels like I’m training a robot.
Your Life Outside the Gym Matters
My clients’ lives are comprised of a whole host of things other than exercise. It’d be foolish to think that their training sessions are completely compartmentalized, uninfluenced by a fight with their spouse, worries about the stock market, or how they slept the night before. How am I supposed to help someone reach his goals if I don’t know anything about the demands on his attention and energy outside of our sessions?
Again, because I am not a therapist, there are some things that you, as my client, don’t need to tell me. There will be issues I’m not ethically allowed to help you solve. But I’d rather you tell me too much than not enough. I’d rather be able to direct you to someone else who actually can help, instead of being clueless as to what’s going on in your life.
If I’m going to tailor your physical fitness plan to fit your life, I need to know a bit about the parts of your life that I don’t see. Here are five things I need you to share with me.
Your stress level
Although exercise can help you manage high levels of stress, too much physical activity can backfire if you combine it with significant amounts of psychological stress. Stress hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol) become elevated when you combine physical exertion with psychological stress, and this, in turn, causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress will hinder your body’s ability to repair itself and lead to cell and tissue damage.
If you’re chronically stressed, I need to know so that I can appropriately adjust the intensity or volume of your workouts. My goal is to make you stronger, not overwhelm your body’s capabilities.
Do you know what else can help relieve psychological stress? Talking about it to someone you trust. This is why I’m okay with my clients sharing their vulnerabilities with me. I want them to know my listening ear is always available for a vent session, even if I’m not the right person to help them find a solution.
What Kind of Music You Like
I ask all my clients what type of music they prefer to work out to. Most people’s response? “Whatever, really!” I always giggle, because while I know that most people enjoy many diverse genres, everyone has a preference. I want to know what that is because I want to enjoy it with you.
I have one 24-year-old client who asks for the Grateful Dead in every session. I also have a 16-year-old male who prefers Cardi B and Nicki Minaj; a fellow with a giant beard who periodically asks for the soundtrack from the movie 300; a police officer who enjoys Five Finger Death Punch; a 6’4” tower of sarcasm who likes “Hot Girl Bummer” by Blackbear; and a 62-year-old woman who dances every time Michael Jackson comes on. They’ve told me what they like, I’ve remembered, and I play their favorites as often as I can.
I feel strongly that good music makes a good workout. The least I can do, as I’m asking you for ten more burpees, is to play your favorite band.
Your Mood
Some days you will feel ready to conquer the world and to tackle something new. Other days, you’ll feel like hiding in a burlap sack. I’d like to know how you’re feeling, because it may influence how I guide your session.
If you’re feeling anxious and on edge, I may substitute the cardio or high-intensity movements with something more calming. If you seem irritable, I may add something aggressive, such as medicine ball slams or sandbag throws. If you’re excited and animated, I might take the opportunity to push you outside of your comfort zone by having you try something new and challenging. If you’re depressed, I’ll probably choose familiar movements that I know you enjoy, just to boost your confidence.
I do my best to write a workout that’s emotionally satisfying for you. I can’t do that if you hide your mood from me.
How Challenged You Feel
One reason a regular exercise routine is so important is that it fosters a sense of competence. Engaging with something that is initially uncomfortable, but continuing to practice until you get better and stronger, can build your confidence in massive ways!
However, feeling too challenged (or not challenged enough) can backfire. Take a look at the stress curve illustrated below.

My goal is to keep your workouts in the middle section — the zone that’s ideal for optimal performance. I don’t want you to be bored, but I don’t want you to be overwhelmed, either. And while I’m pretty good at interpreting your body language to determine the effect a certain exercise is having on you, I certainly can’t read your mind. So it’s okay for you to speak up.
Your Activity Level Outside of Your Sessions
This is a big one for me. My job is to make sure you’re developing, but it’s also to prevent you from overtraining. If you’re frequently doing extra workouts outside of our session, and I don’t know about them, I may inadvertently be programming too much for your body to handle.
Of course, I’m not saying you can’t engage in any physical activity when you’re not with me. Many of my clients have hired me to help them develop functional strength — strength that will help them perform other activities they’re passionate about, like running, hiking, or playing golf. But I need to know how active you are so that I can make sure your body has a chance to rest.
In my experience, most people believe they need more exercise (either in terms of strenuousness or volume) than they actually do. If you’d like to understand more about overtraining and what it looks like, check out the article I wrote here.
Practicing Vulnerability
Even though your relationship with your personal trainer has been established as a business transaction, it’s okay to let it be a human relationship. You’ll get significantly better results if you work with someone you genuinely click with, who you enjoy being around, and who you can trust with your weaknesses, hopes, and dreams. If you don’t already, try being a bit more open about yourself and see where it takes you.
Fitness Therapy
The Art of Balancing Family and Fitness
As a mother of four, caretaker of an elderly parent and full-time professional, staying fit has been a challenge for myself and my family. And did I mention turning 46 doesn’t make it any easier? Luckily not all has been lost! In my family, we set an intention to keep our health a priority and focal point—no matter how busy life gets.
So, how do you balance a hectic schedule and your health goals? By creating a plan. It sounds cliché, but the saying is true, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
Here are five (very realistic) tips my family and I use to stay happy and healthy:
1. Who’s Hungry?

Meal Planning - Confession: I hated the idea of planning weekly meals and cooking for the week. The thought of sitting at my computer or picking meals on my phone was not a task I looked forward to. When I took the time to plan meals for the week, not only does it help our routine flow better as a family, it makes grocery shopping easier, and we save a ton of money not eating out as much. Stuck on where to find fresh recipes? I get my inspiration from Pinterest and use the app Plan To Eat to ensure healthy, tasty meals are always at our disposal.
2. No Junk Food Here!

Managing Snacking - Eating unhealthy snacks can decimate any healthy food plan and sabotage your efforts to stay fit. Adding dried fruits, nuts, and other vegetables into my family’s food routine helps to manage cravings and can appease my hungry kids’ appetite until the next meal. Having my whole family decide on healthy snacks ensures junk food won’t creep into the refrigerator or pantry—and it’s a fun activity that gets everyone involved!
3. Fitness as a Family

Prioritizing Exercise - The benefits of getting fit go far beyond just staying in shape. Not only can exercise be done anywhere and with the entire family, but it also gives you a chance to reconnect. My kids and I take walks when they come home from school, and we discuss their day while getting a workout. A little extra afternoon cardio always brightens our moods, even after a long day.
4. In It to Win It

Being Accountable - The definition of accountability is “the obligation of an individual or organization to account for his or her activities and accept responsibility for them.” Having a family workout regimen or eating plan creates a built-in accountability system for myself and all members of my household to adhere to. We become responsible for and support each other’s wellness. Having someone to keep you on track when you fall off your fitness path is always beneficial.
5. Catching Those Zzz’s

Getting Enough Sleep - Getting necessary shuteye is probably one of the most overlooked keys to staying fit and healthy. In this digital age of computers, tablets, mobile devices, etc., sometimes we find ourselves getting much less sleep than we need for our bodies to properly function. Lack of sleep leads to overeating and tiredness which can destroy your goal of maintaining health. For my family, I make time to “disconnect” before bed. Whether it’s reading or talking, detaching from screens helps to strengthen our bond as a family—making us healthier and happier.
No matter how busy life can be, it’s important to remember that what you make a priority will help you succeed, especially when it comes to your (and your family’s) well-being.

Chiteka Jackson
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Chiteka is currently completing a Masters of Business Administration degree from the Forbes School of Business and Technology in Human Resources and Global Management. As a human resources professional for the last 18 years, Chiteka maintains a professional career as a mother of four and caregiver to an elder parent.
Finding Peace: Pregnant in a Pandemic
I’m celebrating week 21 of pregnancy. Baby is the size of a banana or bell pepper. I don’t know why it’s so fun to compare a growing fetus to a fruit or veggie, but it gives me a much-needed laugh while I make note to avoid consuming bananas for the week. This is also ultrasound week. I’m no longer able to bring my husband and daughter to the appointment, but we understand that these restrictions are put in place to protect us. Like so many pregnant women and mothers across the world, I’m doing my best to adapt to the new norm and changes that COVID-19 has introduced to my already stressful life.
Pregnant women across various metro cities are beginning to face fears of delivering their baby without a birthing partner by their side for the duration of the hospital stay. Family members and friends may not be able to meet baby in-person for quite some time, so those special first meetings happen over FaceTime. New mommy groups switch to virtual meetups. I’m feeling the weight of it all (and I’m not referring to the extra weight I’ve gained from WFH snacking), the heaviness of the unknown that we all carry as we navigate through all of this change.
Tuning into nightly news or googling the latest COVID-19 death tolls is a surefire way to lose sleep, but we do it anyway because we want to stay informed as we wrap our heads around how much this pandemic will change our world. Maybe your anxiety and personal despair grow as you hear from a friend who recently lost their job or read about your favorite restaurant unable to keep its doors open. Canceled events, long-anticipated vacations, and temporarily closed fitness studios are not only inconvenient, but force us to reframe our attitudes.
I can hear my mother’s voice telling me to relax. She tells me that the baby can feel my stress, and that isn’t good for anyone. I begin to feel guilty about my inability to quiet the negative feelings and decide that something needs to change. We can’t change what the media reports, the pressure at work, or predict how long it will take for the economy to recover. But what if we reminded ourselves to do the best with what we have and keep moving forward—one day at a time. Amidst the chaos, we’re becoming a stronger, kinder community, and that is truly a beautiful thing to see.
The journey to my second trimester wasn’t an easy one. I suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage a few years ago. I made time for my body and mind to heal after the loss. Float tank sessions, meditation, vinyasa power flow, and frequent facials helped me connect with my body. I can’t say self-care alone healed my depression, but it certainly helped me discover the importance of self-love and repaired my self-confidence.
After many pregnancy tests and negative results, I was at peace with accepting that having another child may not be in the cards for me. Fast forward to age 37. I was shocked to see a + symbol on three pregnancy stick tests. Although I’m medically referred to as a geriatric pregnancy, my OB/Gyn said there was no reason for me to go into this pregnancy with a negative mindset. Eat healthy, stay active, and focus on being POSITIVE. Maybe the pursuit of happiness and path to personal wellness was really that simple.
On my 38th birthday, I celebrated my 20th week of pregnancy—I’ll refer to it as the “Pregnant in a Pandemic Party.” I blew out a candle on a warm chocolate chip cookie that my husband and daughter baked together. They were my only party guests, but I didn’t need a room full of people at a fancy restaurant to feel pure gratitude. People across the world continue to test positive for COVID-19. I was safe in my home with my family. I was right where I needed to be.
Although the past few weeks have brought a wide range of emotions for all of us, I’m choosing to use this extra time to self-reflect and bond with family. I’m mentally recording my five-year-old daughter as she whispers to my stomach and tells her baby sister that August couldn’t come soon enough. This is life. So perfectly imperfect at times, but beautiful in more ways than we know. We may be housebound, down to the last few rolls of toilet paper, and our hair hasn’t seen a salon in over a month. The loss of control and routine over our daily lives can make us feel like failures. Trust me; we’re not. We were never meant to get through this alone. Together, we will get through this—one day at a time.

Kim Haile
Senior Corporate Communications Specialist
Hailing from the East Coast, Kim loves the challenge of Marketing and the fast-paced tech industry. She earned her undergraduate degree in Business from Northeastern University in Boston, where she endured brutal New England winters and avoided smiling while riding the T. Now a happy Californian, Kim loves the beach, HIIT workouts, and traveling with her husband and young daughter.
Super Man Technically is DC's version of Ant-Man
When people think about Superman’s counterpart in the Marvel Universe, they usually come up with god-like beings like Thor or highly moral heroes like Captain America. Low-level characters – like Marvel’s Ant-Man – rarely make the list. However, a look at DC’s Silver Age of Comics shows a time when Superman didn’t just become an ant-themed hero – he became a literal giant ant.
The story took place in an era when Superman was frequently exposed to red kryptonite, a substance that temporarily gave him bizarre new powers or transformed him into a baby, a giant… or in this case an ant-headed humanoid. Even more bizarre? Superman chose this transformation on purpose!
In “The Invasion of the Super-Ants,” a story featured in Action Comics #296, Clark Kent and Lois Lane report on an ant colony exhibit. Clark takes the opportunity to inform Lois (and the readers) about the incredible attributes of ants – how they can lift many times their own weight, build complex structures, and have a social system of their own with a queen and worker drones. Clark goes on to mention that if ants were ever man-sized, they could easily take over the world thanks to their abilities and numbers.

By incredible coincidence (and typical Silver Age storytelling), Clark’s prediction immediately comes true when some lost hikers encounter a group of giant ants. At first the ants seem benevolent – even forming a bridge with their own bodies to aid the hikers. However, they soon start acting strangely, stealing materials from train tracks and warehouses. Superman investigates, but the ants have also been stockpiling green kryptonite, making it impossible for him to get close.
Superman teams up with the army, but their efforts prove ineffective. When the ants kidnap Lois Lane to be their queen, however, Superman gets a brilliant idea – fly into an outer space cloud of red kryptonite dust and become an ant-headed man! While the effects of red kryptonite are usually unpredictable, Superman is somehow able to choose the transformation he wants simply by willing his head to turn into an ant’s head. He later comments that he knew this would work since his Super-Dog Krypto once flew into the same cloud and purposefully turned himself into a collie.

(Apparently Krypto thought becoming a collie would make him more handsome to female dogs, but later found out the Red-K had also given him a temporary sex change as he wanted to look like Lassie… you gotta love the Silver Age). Conveniently, being exposed to this particular type of Red-K also makes Superman immune to green kryptonite for a while, allowing him to approach the super-ants (and freak out Lois Lane with his new look). So, why did Superman want to swap his head for a more insect-like look? Apparently, just as Marvel’s Hank Pym and Scott Lang were able to communicate with insects using their Ant-Man helmets, Superman can now use his antennae to talk to the super-ants!
Turns out these super-ants really are nice guys and only traveled to Earth to warn the humans about the perils of nuclear war. As such a war once devastated their own planet (and led to their evolution), the ants now feel a civic responsibility to travel the universe requesting that other alien races avoid their own fate. Okay, but why did the ants steal from trains and warehouses – not to mention kidnap Lois Lane? Apparently, the ants needed the supplies to repair their damaged rocket ship and decided that making Lois their queen was a good way to remind Superman of the way ants operate and inspire him to communicate with them in their way. (Luckily this was the Silver Age when Superman was completely open to such things – if it had been a different era he might have just unloaded his heat vision on the ants and fried them all).

After bidding farewell to his new friends (who only needed the green kryptonite to fuel their rocket ship), Superman delivers the ants’ message to the United Nations, warning them that if they don’t avoid atomic war “the ant-head I grew will symbolize our Earth’s future!” Everything gets wrapped up tidily as long as you don’t think about it too much (if the ants meant to warn Earth about nuclear war, why didn’t they make sure they could communicate with humans before they landed?)
Regardless, “The Invasion of the Super-Ants” is a fun story, reminiscent of the atomic-age monster movies (particularly the giant ant movie Them!) of the 1950s, and a great example of the regular wackiness of the Silver Age. Who knew that Superman was doing the “Ant-Man” thing long before Hank Pym had discovered his Pym Particles?
Let them eat brother!
One says that
My children are dwarfs
That no one seems taller
Than the other.
That they never take a bath
That they are soiled.
That they eat lice
From their clothes
Let them eat, brothers,
Until the system changes,
Until exploitation ends;
Let them eat brother,
Because we are on the way
To build Ujamaa
But, at present,
The system has not changed.
Let them eat, brother,
Because the rich nations
Are not yet ready
To die a little
So that the poor nation may live:
Let them eat, brother,
Because the rich man
Is not yet ready
To die a little
So that the poor man may live
Let them drink water,
Let them eat air,
Let them digest the sunshine
Because that is what
I can afford to buy.
Meanwhile I wait
For Uhuru to flower,
For Uhuru to come
When the time is ripe.
Let them eat brother,
Because the rich man
Is convinced that
It’s because I’m lazy
That they don’t have food.
That they don’t have good health.
That they wear rags.
And that their house
Is like an abandoned hut
Let them eat brother
Because the rich man
Thinks that it’s because
I don’t plan my family
Let them eat brother.
Because the rich man
Does not like to hear
That he is rich
Because of me
That I work hard,
But for him and
Not for myself
That it’s only because
I’m a slave of a system
That I lead a poor life.
Last day on earth
If this was your last day on earth
Would you waste or make it worth
Live like it's your death or your birth
If this was your last day on earth?
Some say the will buy all the things they need yeah!
Some say they will regret the bad things they did yeah!
Some say they make this last day their last best deed oh!
And I said i wanna show...
If this was my last day on earth
I will make it worth
Live it like it's my birth
If this was the last day on earth
What would you do?
Some say they'll laugh out the whole day long
Some say they'll forget the fears and be just strong
Some say they'll think of the times when they were wrong
And I say....
If this was my last day on earth
I will make it worth
Live it like it's my birth
If this was the last day on earth
Then I just walked amongst a group of rich and poor
Asked them what would they like to do?
The rich said they'll forget the money, the status the power
They'll sing and gift everyone a rose flower
The poor said they're happy and make their next life better
They'll pray they'll be educated and could write a letter
Some say they'll sing like there's no other hour
Some say they'll dance like they're blooming like a flower
Some say they'll tell their loved ones how much they care
Some say they teach the bullies f*ck up now they dare
But you know what i say....
If you live each day like your last day on earth
Think how much life would be worth
How happy you'll be with no fear
There will be smiles no tear
You'll always care for your dear
You'll do what you swear
You'll never think you need a chance to take a new birth
So think that today is your last day on earth
No meaning in this life
As fire rages out
All shadows disappear
Till the end
In dust
Yet the sun will shine like a
Bright star in the sullen sky
To the emptiness called
This universe lives
It grows
So one day we will meet up again
We knows
A five year old asked me once:
"If you could pick one superpower, what would you choose?"
His head was filled with the sounds of glorious proclamations
and imaginary battles where the bad guys are killed,
and everybody wins.
I smiled at him, and told him I would be a water bender
Because Kitara kicks butt.
He ran away gleefully to tell children
he thinks are his friends about it,
and I was left alone to ponder over the bodies of bad guys.
And I realized I had just lied to a five year old.
If I could choose a superpower,
If I could choose
If I could choose
I would choose the power to forgive anybody
Kinda a let-down for a five year old, huh?
But life,
Life is full of let downs.
I was let down when I saw my superman lift weights-
Yet not able to uplift hearts-
because his own was broken by a skeleton in the ground.
I've been let down by women with x-ray vision seeing into my perversion,
finally turn away weeping for the sins of humanity.
I know I could be the fastest man in eternity,
and still not outpace my guilt or mortality.
Still I see that the world is saved for another day!
Except we still have gangs
Except we still have war
And I realize the only power we all learn to master is how to turn invisible
So nobody can see our faults.
And when we do so, when we turn invisible,
We can't be forgiven:
Nobody can see my faults, because nobody can see me.
So to survive we have to be invisible and to forgive we have to be vulnerable and unable to do either I slip to the ether-
I changed my mind.
I pick water bending.
So when this five year old comes back to me,
nursing a black eye and weeping,
wishing he was strong enough to fight back,
I try to tell him about...
and about forgiving your enemies.
But he's just beginning to experience the expedience of evil
He hasn't yet tried with every muscle in his body
to turn to his bullies and lay out the fact that he was hurt.
And his abusers have never learned how to let go of their need for control,
and whisper "I'm sorry".
So that we can contort our mouths and squeeze out those simple words,
... "I forgive you".
If that happened, maybe we could all be saved;
But it doesn't
So all I can offer my five year old is a hug
An ice pack
and silence.