Let them eat brother!
One says that My children are dwarfs That no one seems taller Than the other. That they never take a bath That they are soiled. That they eat lice From their clothes Let them eat, brothers, Until the system changes, Until exploitation ends; Let them eat brother, Because we are on the way To build Ujamaa But, at present, The system has not changed. Let them eat, brother, Because the rich nations Are not yet ready To die a little So that the poor nation may live: Let them eat, brother, Because the rich man Is not yet ready To die a little So that the poor man may live Let them drink water, Let them eat air, Let them digest the sunshine Because that is what I can afford to buy. Meanwhile I wait For Uhuru to flower, For Uhuru to come When the time is ripe. Let them eat brother, Because the rich man Is convinced that It’s because I’m lazy That they don’t have food. That they don’t have good health. That they wear rags. And that their house Is like an abandoned hut Let them eat brother Because the rich man Thinks that it’s because I don’t plan my family Let them eat brother. Because the rich man Does not like to hear That he is rich Because of me That I work hard, But for him and Not for myself That it’s only because I’m a slave of a system That I lead a poor life.
2020-04-09 21:30:46
Схожі вірші
Тарантела (Вибір Редакції)
І ніжний спомин серця оживився В нестримнім танці тіла — тарантели, Коли тебе відносить в зовсім інші Світи буття — яскраві й небуденні. Коли душа вогнями іржавіє, Кричить до тебе екстраординарним Неспинним рухом палкої стихії! Чому стоїш? Хутчіш в танок за нами! Бо тут тебе почують навіть боги, Суворі стержні правди на планеті. Танцюй-співай у дивній насолоді, Бо то є радість в ритмі тарантели!... Твоє ж життя невічне, зголосися? В мовчанні втопиш душу і печалі? Чи може разом з нами наймиліше Відкинеш маску сорому й кайдани? *** Переклад в коментарях 🔽🔽🔽