Love songs
LOVE IN MY HEART Oh how My life Seems so empty Not having You here By my side And my Life would Never be complete Without having You here in My life Chorus Cause you're the only one who's meant for me You're the only one who I want to make mine And I wish that we could be together From now until the end of time When all I want To do Is hold you As a Tear falls From my eye And I Love the way You make Me smile knowing that Life is worthwhile Chorus Cause you're the only one who's meant for me You're the only one who I want to make mine And I wish that we could be together From now until the end of time And how Life seems To be So empty Not having You here By my side And I Wish could That we Could be Together for The rest Of our lives Chorus Cause you're the only one who's meant for me You're the only one who I want to make mine And I wish that we could be together From now until the end of time LOVE CONQOURS ALL Oh how There is A wonderful feeling That never Wants to Let you go And knowing That you're With someone else Tends to Eat away At this  lonely soul And I Most certainly Wouldn't do Anything to Change you Cause you're Perfect just The way You are And life Without you Would be so unbearable that I know By far CHORUS Oh how You're like A beautiful rose That blossoms So gracefully In the spring For your Elegant beauty  And your Delightful charm Is what Makes you So special And I Wouldn't change Who you are For anything Or am I  just to blind To see That you Could never  be mine And the Feelings that I have For you I'm sure Will eventually Disappear in time CHORUS Oh how You're like A beautiful rose That blossoms So gracefully In the spring For your Elegant beauty And your Delightful charm Is what Makes you So special And I Wouldn't Change Who you are For anything For the Love that We once shared  will always  be embraced  within this  weary heart  Of mine Cause I'll Be yours And you'll Be mine From now  until the end Of time Chorus Oh how You're like A beautiful rose That blossoms So gracefully In the spring For your Elegant beauty And your Delightful charm Is what Makes you So special And I Wouldn't change Who you are For anything Cause you're The only person Who's important in my life And who means The world To me And the Only person Who I want To spend the rest  of my  days with From now And for  All EternIty CHORUS   Oh how You're like A beautiful Rose that Blossoms so Gracefully in The spring For your Elegant beauty And your Delightful charm Is what Makes you So special And I Wouldn't change  Who you are For anything Midsummer dream It was Love at  First sight  as we  Danced throughout  The night  in that Cool summer breeze It was something  I always  dreamed of  how it  Felt to  be in love And I will Never realize How lucky I will  Ever be to love Someone who Means the World to me Blue moon playing among the stars looking up At Jupiter and mars A Love that is By far the greatest gift of them all Blue moon which Shone so brightly on that Warm mid- summers night Not knowing the reason why we need love to survive to just To keep us alive  And as the moon that  shone so  brightly on  that mid-summers night  that’s when I knew it was love at first sight  But I Could Never imagine How lucky I will  Ever be To love Someone who Means the World to me Blue moon Playing among The stars looking up At Jupiter and mars hoping one day I'll be yours Blue moon as I Listen to Your sweet Gentle voice that echoes so distinctively with the wind without any choice When all I wanted was for her  to see  How special she is To someone Like me Was it A kind Of love that you  imagined it to be cause you're the only person who’s means The world To me Blue moon Playing among The stars looking up At Jupiter and mars you’ll be mine and I'll be yours  Blue moon that shone  so brightly on that  mid-Summer night  that's when  I knew  it was love at  first sight  A love that is  by far the greatest  gift of  them all  When all I ever  dreamed of was to be with you and no matter what I'll always be  Faithful loyal true And as I promise to spend my life  with you  there’s nothing in this world That I Wouldn't do for you Blue moon as she fills my heart with laughter and makes me  want to sing Love is undoubtedly the  Most Wonderful thing A love That is By far the greatest gift of them all Written By Denis Michael O Sullivan © October 2018
2018-10-18 20:44:58
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Denis Michael O Sullivan
Thank you
2018-10-19 07:23:43
Схожі вірші
Намалюю тобі на обличчі Сонця промені, хмари і гай... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці І ніколи не зраджу. Це край. Небо синє, бурхливе і темне, Наче очі твої, наче рай. Наче сховище, замок підземний. Наче темний і лячний той край. Намалюю тобі на обличчі, На сторінці клітинку. Портрет... Я не зраджую тій своїй звичці, Знов малюю лиш твій силует.
Приходи (RU-UA)
Черничные пироги, молоко с мёдом. Приходи. Почитаю тебе стихи и раны замажу йодом. Буду исцелять поэтапно все твои трещинки и порезы, даже в твоё заледеневшее сердце, поверь мне, — смело полезу. Повір! Залізу без страху. Без жалю, не боячись. Бо наше розпалене вогнище змушує бути хоч чимось. І тільки не хвилюйся — ми не розчинимось. Ні одне у одному, ні у часі. Мы снова столкнёмся, неспособные противостоять этой связи. Истощенные, но в друг друге, нашедшие дом. Якщо не перше життя, то і не перший том. Не перший різновид мов у моїх віршах. Не найдёшь меня в жизни? Отыщешь во снах. За той дверью, где я нам в пирог добавляю чернику. Приходи. Мне одной без тебя здесь ужасно дико.