Knowing the ramifications of driving recklessly,I still sit into the driver's seat. Gripping the steering wheel reluctantly at first. Inspecting the throttle,I press down the pedal to inject a minute amount of poisonous fuel into these tangled fuel lines embedded throughout the body of this tired old race car. With every revolution produced by the will of it's engine,I find myself recalling every twist and turn of the track ahead and prepare for the race to begin. I have been through this course numerous times, yet victory eludes me. I fear that I may never retire from this life of a driver. I fear what may happen if I let go of the gearshift I hold so dear. Simply put, in this car,on this track is the only place that i have ever felt at peace,at Free to forget the fact that to become a driver I had to a piece of my soul,nay, most of it. But one day I know this ignition will fail to start this weathered old engine. The brakes falling in line refusing to slow me down as I see the walls of the trackrushing directly at me head on. And the last part of the car that willfail and cause me to lose control while ending this perverse pain and pleasure mix of emotion I covent so,is the steering wheel. The very first part I ever touched. The Alpha and Omega as my life as a driver.... But,oh! The ride!
2020-03-05 06:48:05
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Показати всі коментарі (6)
@Karlos Ortiz Stella meant that... You should leave some space between two lines... And use punctuations...
2020-03-05 08:37:46
And start a new line in the next line .
2020-03-05 08:38:19
Karlos Ortiz
I think i get it. I'll try it with my next piece and see if i understand correctly. Thank you tons.
2020-03-05 11:09:06
Схожі вірші
Хай буде так
«And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, "Let it be"» Beatles - Let it be Хай буде так. Прийми своє життя. Прийми негоду, біль і в серці рану. Прийми свою не вічність, як буття. Прийми, що у людей на тебе інші плани. І не кричи, не плач, коли летиш із неба. Земля тверда. Це так. Реальна. Не м'яка. Живи та не шкодуй. Так було треба. Можливо не тобі. Комусь. Чиясь рука. Ти витримав. Стерпів. Усі пройшов дороги. Ти не зламався, ні. Ти просто біг не так. Ти просто падав. Просто вірив богу, І довіряв не тим. Кохав не так. Хай буде так. Прийми, що ти один І залишайся сильним, що б не було далі. Життя лиш мить, в яку стікає плин годин. Лиш зайчик сонячний, ребро медалі. Бо що б не було - ти не вічний, ні. І те що має тут коштовність, там - згорає. Ти помираєш тут. Зникаєш на війні. Та пам'ятай - у смерті щастя аж ніяк немає.
She holds a mystery in her eyes. She has a secret in her heart. She is as fierce as a lion. She is the Queen of her own world she lives in. She is strong as a tiger. She is brave as a warrior. She fights for all. She has an enthusiastic spirit. She asks questions. But She answers a lot more questions Than she asks. And She leads like a true hero. She is The wind of change or the Mistral that cuts through the clouds and Brings freshness and change all around. She has a charisma of her own. She is beautiful. She has the power to educate everyone around. She dedicates herself to the most. She guides her children to a better path. She has many faces, Vivid hues, Different attitudes towards different people, Many moods. But The storm in her heart rages as powerfully as it had been raging since the beginning. The fire burns inside her with the same intensity throughout. She is a Woman. She is an all-rounder. DEDICATED TO ALL WOMEN OUT THERE. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY. #TSA2020 #8thMarch #HappyWomensDay #BestDay #Women #Feminist ************************