Written for the future YOU
I've always imagined your fair hair and ur veins that make ur arms look so good
I've always imagined how u could look at me like nobody else
It felt like it's the first time that anyone ever can see me or notice my existing , even though that feeling was no more than an imagination ..
Your smile that soft one that u give and it makes me warm and powerful at the end of a long day , and your acts and manners that always make me feel lucky but just looking at u , just by seeing how much I do mean for you !,
I've always made our conversation (you can say that every small words had been spoken since a long time ago ) that made our strong , honest , and atypical relationships it's like we were made for each other , it's like noone can even doubt on our love
When we talk the world get constant , nothing but our wise deep talk ,
It's the most enjoyable things I may ever had ,
But will those thoughts became a true or just an illusion for me to go through will u ever exist to read those words , or I'll keep on dreaming till the day I'll be taking by God ,
Will we ever be that great words that I just wrote , or we are nothing more than a story that had been written by my cursed brain , those toxic pink world keep on visiting my black wild dorm , all I may tell is pls come in , I've been waiting you to show up since the day I realize that life is nothing more moments shared by loved people . If u will get the chance to read those lines make sure that I'll be always her to make ur laughs so loud !
Make sure that you are lucky too for having someone who wrote for someone that still doesn't exist but it may do it may don't (idiot but so fun)
But the faith inside my heart keep on telling me that u are no more far , I've believed and I've trusted now everything is for God to decide