Михаил Голубь
Around me war, But i still breathe! I'm in gore, But i still breathe! Under me law And I still breathe! I go around the planet, I go I know, around me bullets I know It's a war around me. That's she! Many people are amputee. I don't agree That we still live here Because It is our bier. I fighting with you I fighting for live! Around me war, But i still breathe! I'm in gore, But i still breathe! Under me law And I still breathe! I know my country not here, I know. War grow and live disappear, It grow. This is the trouble around us This' it. We must problems only discuss It is a shit When troubles suddenly appear. It is my planet, It again disappear! But I fighting with you But I fighting for live! Around me war, But i still breathe! I'm in gore, But i still breathe! Under me law And I still breathe! I say you must to stop, I say We should close gun shop We may We want to live in peace We want. We must to fighting with A lot Of an agression and avarice We must stop be cantankerous So we can save our lifes If we can stop all strifes.
What is the wonderful day? Around me ghosts are flying And Skelets are dancing But I don't scary and run away! I have alot of fun And don't want to go home And I am not one! Only some people sitting alone. What is the party? How do you think? Yes Baby it is Helloween! Say me why many pumpkins are blink Yes Baby it is Helloween! Pumpkins, skelets and gosts are near me! And i don't know, are they real! Many men in woolf appeal! If i say that witch is real, do you belive me. Are you agree? What is the scaring night? Today will somebody scary. Right? Today we will dancing all night! Today we will loughting. Alright! What is the party? How do you think? Yes Baby it is Helloween! Say me why many pumpkins are blink Yes Baby it is Helloween!
Станция взорвалась! Огонь... Пожар.. Сирены... Толпы убегающих людей... Стихия поднялась! Огонь... Пожар... Сирены... Нету больше здравых идей... І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! І неба асвяцілася Чырвонымі фарбамі. І неба, сябр, схавалася За чорнымі хмарамі. А сэрца ліціць, А сэрца дрыжыць... І рвэцца нейкая ніць. І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! Fire burn the sky. And heavy clouds of radiation Goes everybody around. Many our ally Arrived and died from aberration. Death was already found. І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! И слышен стук сердца́ И это та самая́ жизнь. Но́ сейчас пришёл ужасный ча́с И эта́ жизнь рвётся́. Но ты,́ геро́й, уде́ржись, Спа́си будущи́е жизни - на́с. І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! А зараз рвэцца струна І на неба ўходзіць Героя нашага душа І вецер яе ўносіць. А сэрца ліціць, А сэрца дрыжыць... І рвэцца нейкая ніць. І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! Fire does not burn Now the element was stopped But die the last hero. His dirth doesn't adjourn. And now he stay on the new top The top of the hero. І сэрца б'ецца хутчэй Паніка пануе ўсюды! І людзі гінуць без мячэй. Гэта як сумныя эцюды! Станция взорвалась Огонь больше не горит. И рвётся гитарная струна. Стихия улеглась Теперь уже всё спит. На сто лет ложится тишина...
Я з вогненнай вёскі
Я з вогненнай вёскі Лёс мой рашылі другія. У небе залатыя зоркі Нагадваюць аб поце на шыі. Лісце пажоўклых кляноў Нагадвае аб тым агні. Зялёны колер вянкоў Загладзіць цяжкасць чужой віны. Мы ніколі не забудзем Аб цемры вайны. Мы заўсёды будзем Жыць на гэтай зямлі. Я з вогненнай вёскі Лёс мой рашылі другія. У небе залатыя зоркі Нагадваюць аб поце на шыі.
Маці - гэта штосьці святое, Гэта выраз на крыві! Гэта штосьці вельмі прастое, На ўзроўні дабрыні. Маці - слова знаёмае з дзяцінства Нейкую пяшчоту нясе у сабе. Ніколі не зразумею я мацярынства, Але яно святое і ўгодна судзьбе. Мы ведаем адразу, з пялёнак, Што яна да апошняй гадзіны з намі. І пакуль я, як малы аленёнак, Скакаў, яна ахоўвала мяне днямі. А памятаеш ты яе ўсмешку, Калі нешта зрабіў і ёй падарыў? А памятаеш ты яе спешку, Калі непрыемнасцю яе адарыў? Як хутка яна цябе дапамагала? І цяпер я гатовы дапамагчы ёй. І часа заўсёды для яе навалам, Любая хвіліна для яе адной. Твой час закончыўся, а мой час настаў, Аддаваць табе любоў і пахвалу. Імя твае на маім сэрцы хтосьці надрукаваў! Вышэй бога я цябе ўзнясу! Таму грудзямі цябе абараню. Маці - спрадвечна жывая памяць у сэрцы! Мама - у маю душу чароўныя дзверцы. Маці - тое, ад чаго табе становіцца хораша і лепш. Мама, прымі ўсю маю любоў і гэты верш.
Love on sky
Look to the night black sky Do you see this star? It will become dim if we die Becous its our star! Its apere becous i love you Look to the night black sky Do you see your face, that i drew Its will live eternity, never die Becous i will always love you! I love you, my heart only for you And I know that you love me too I do everything to you. I take a star from sky to you. And I never say to love adieu! I am loking to the high sky And saw your love And I am forever your ally It is mark from above We will together all eternity I will be averything that you take I do evrything, I will take all ability To make all things without mistake. And I am always crazy for your agility! I love you, my heart only for you And I know that you love me too I do everything to you. I take a star from sky to you. And I never say to love adieu! We are always smiling When we together! We have anly one feeling And only one wether! Our harts are breaking In one minute and second. It is never mistaking! We together by future beckoned Our life is remaking!
Break all the rules
Песня под гитару In this life People must follow all the rules But your life Become more intresting and fuls When you haven't got any rules If you want To change your place, improve your mind and skills I think you want To change your character and stay on a hills Thinking that you never can someone kills. Thats why you nead to break all the rules Break all the rules . Don't follow them. Break all the rules. If you dont like them. As I already Know If you break all the rules You shoud know Your freedom become more truth But police will try to bring you back to rules. You think it is so esy But you don't try If you think it is unesy And you will not try You absolutly will die Thats why you nead to break all the rules Break all the rules . Don't follow them. Break all the rules. If you dont like them. You life became so faster I dont know how long it will lasted But it can become disaster If it will so long lasted. I wish you more life contrasted
Сочинялись как песня He is breaking his life He is going from light To just his havely night. And he always will fight! He got enough for love He got enought for life But it was mark from above In his hand had appeared knife And he thinks: To be burglar is rather cool All life become a true It is garet to be so full To breack over the rull. And he will never com back He will die on a skyes In one of the attack He hasn't got tear on eyes His life is always test He never stay in one place His life never come to the best All polis for him has chase But he always says: ‌ To be burglar is rather cool All life become a true It is garet to be so full To breack over the rull.
I am always running from my heart. It was so dangerous to sturt From the begining of my life. But now I know I see a girl of my life. And ice around heart are broke On millianes of pieces. It's like a fog. From stars on skies. And we lie around it. We together think about it! We watch at sky And think about hight! I am always running from my heart. It was so dangerous to sturt From the begining of my life. But now I know I see a girl of my life.
What way
What colour is your Interesting life? What is your Enjoyable light? are you ready for the big life can you fight for lady it is our life have you got some money to go to the left? have you got some ideas to go to the right? have you got some knowledge But it is not interesting a bit have you got a gun to the gangster shit have you got a lie to the police? can you die for the different things? it is your chose it is your life. and my voice doesn’t lead in these life.
About my life
Писал как песню под гитару It is an enjoyable life It is so intresting thing And death is its wife It is always bring Many bad thing But I think we stay there for long I always living in one day And it so interesting to be alon I am always stay away We - everybody like me We must enjoy all the time that we have I must to be a cool boy We can't something helve. I will never come back My life is a freedom I can defented from every attack Evil is a water and I am a dam. I will never die I belive that I can fly I can everything buy I never cry We - everybody like me We must enjoy all the time that we have I must to be a cool boy We can't something helve. If I die that I am not believe I am always become a star That shine on a Christmas eve High on a sky and so far And If I love someone I become a Herro to her I will do evreything to everyone That she says to me. Everything for her. We - everybody like me We must enjoy all the time that we have I must to be a cool boy We can't something helve.