Listen to me, land rats!
I'm a pirate, my place at sea,
I'm not a servant, a rat, a scum.
Fear the captain's wrath.
On Board my alcohol and gold,
I keep kings at Bay,
Over my head a solid reward,
But who wins? Ha ha ha!
I found captain Hook's treasure.,
Friendship I lead with a blue beard,
I can't be defeated by a common man.
I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!
I saw a dream, and there were you,
And there was coldness in your eyes.
I wonder what a kind of true
Made you become as cold as ice.
And later I looked back to get a sense
This empty glance was hellish call of past.
It used to be a high and strong defense
Against the world, the pain and me at last.
You looked at me, and peering in your soul,
I felt so lonely, as something vital died.
And that is what I fear most of all -
That nothing gentle will remain inside.
Inside of you. Inside of me as well.
And nothing will be said to farewell.
Присвячую тобі вірші українською,
Бо не знаю, якою мовою висловлювати свої почуття.
Хоча, для тебе, мабуть, краще російською,
Але я вірю: зрозумієш і так.
Бо коли ми зустрінемось, важливим буде лиш погляд:
Серце не потребуватиме слів,
Йому буде байдуже звідки ми родом,
Навіть, якщо з ворожих країн.