Think for a moment.
Making fun of people who are in depression and suffering through similar cases and calling cowards to those who commit suicide is not okay. Also committing suicide is also not a solution too. But saying they were cowards and ending the discussion over such serious topic is not going to help. We have to come forward and for once we really need to think, we need to put ourselves in their shoes and understand what they were going through. Yeah maybe they are not your family. And you don't know them. They are just strangers to you. Strangers who were battling alone a war you never saw. But they were or are a member of this society of which you, me and we are also part of. And it's all of ours responsibility to understand where as a society we went wrong. We need to acknowledge, each of our's mistakes and work on them. We need to rebuild it, so that everyone can live. #everylifematter
2020-06-15 13:18:12
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Vinay Deshlahare
How to you put yourself in someone's if you don't know a single thing about their life?
2020-06-15 16:31:38
Anjali_ R
I want to something from you. I want to you to give me a promise. Promise me that no matter what happens, no matter how bad things go, you won't take your life. You have to have faith. That there is still something you have to do before you leave this world. Find that something. You are strong. You can do this. If your life ain't worth living then make it worth living. I believe in you.
2020-08-01 04:05:57
Anjali_ R
I hope things work out for good and you don't have to take that decision.
2020-08-02 05:06:11
Схожі вірші
"Письмо ушедших дней"
Привет , мой милый друг Забыл ли ты, как долго не писала , Прости ,но я хотела отпустить Всю слабостью ,что в себе искала . И может ты проник Моим письмом до дрожи Забыл ли мой дневник , Увиденный стихами одинокой ночи ... Об памяти прошедших дней , Ты не увидишь ни души порока Лишь слабый шепот чувств Уложенных строками тонко . Немой вопрос в глазах Оставлю с времям на последок Легонько холодом касаний уходя , Чтоб не запомнил запах пепла.
Я отпущу с временем дальше ...
Так было нужно , я это лишь знаю Ты ушёл как ветра свежости дым Оставив на прощание " прости ", Забрав с собою частичку души Я больше об этом перестала плакать , И начала двигаться дальше забыв Хоть было то лето яркости сладко , Но больше не стану также любить , Хоть постоянно всплывают твои лести фразы , Что мучали глубоко теплотою внутри, Я отпущу с временем дальше И буду двигаться без лишней слёзы, Я не веню тебя за такое решение И понимаю почему было так , Но время летит незаметно Ничего не оставив с собою забрав ...