I'm in a world,where being different is unacceptable.Im in a world,where not having a selected faction,is utterly dangerous.Everyone's mind is one of the factions peace,brave,selfless or intelligent but mine is all of them.My mind can work in all those ways,and it scares people.I'm in a world,were being all 5 factions is breaking the peace.I am divergent,which is nearly impossible.You can be all those things,but your soul is always one(most the time).I am not like everyone else,and it will get me killed.I am not factionless,I am all factions,but I am dauntless at heart.I chose dauntless because if they found out I was divergent,I would be murdered .Everyone is different,but I am different in a bad...bad..bad way (u get my point).
Lillian xx
Based of:pic of jude
(Divergent is my favourite book and film)