Sinners or saints/Грешники или святые
Sometimes you have to be wrong,to be right.Sometimes you have to love,to be able to hate.The world is a complicated place,no matter how hard we try to understand it we fail.We think we save the saints and destroy the sinners,but saints are sinners in disguise.Im one step ahead,and your one step behind.
We are playing a never ending game of cat and mouse.The difference is we are both cats,chasing victory, catching our prey.We are all the same in different ways,we are all connected as souls of sinners and souls of saints.How can you tell which ones which,well the answer is you can't you just have to guess and find out for yourself...
Lillian xx
Fathers Day
You know when you love someone so much,that you can't I'magine a world without them by your side.
You know when they are your light in the dark,when you always want to be by their side.
You know when you have lost so much,that it never occurs to you that you might loose someone who means the world to you.
You know on a rainy day,you are my sunshine and without that I wouldn't be the person I am today.So thank you da for always being my shoulder to cry on,so thank you for everything.
Lillian xx
World destroyed
Hearts destroyed,how will I fill this void.
Love perished at your touch,this is all to much.
Towers collapsed,over weeks of elapse.
Time goes by,and all i do is cry.Nature gone,humans dying,and you still sit there lying and lying.Stop please,before I catch the deadly disease.Step away,before i scream.Could this really be a dream?Food eaten drink wasted,now I don't know how that tasted.Bang! Bang! the guns fired,I run untill my legs get tired.Tears and tears,of all my fears.Help help,can't you see me welp.Dont write from your mind,write from your heart.
Lillian xx
(I don't know what this is 😂)
I choose a book,the cover torn and ripped.I scan the pages,they were old and discolured.The bright library light shining down on the paper,showing every damaged part.I run my hands along the books,feeling the rough leather on my finger tips.
The thousands of books surrounding me,calling me in with there amazing titles.Running along the hallways,the floorboards creeking.Its like heaven,it's like a bright building with old yet wonderful books.Writing what expresses ones emotions,writing that effects my feelings.The gentle music playing in the background,the fresh smell of those you have came and pasted .I hold a book in my hand,and I feel happy for once...
Lillian xx
P.s got to love books📚
RUSSIAN:Я выбираю книгу, с разорванными и разорванными страницами. Я сканирую страницы, они старые и обесцвеченные. Яркий свет библиотеки освещает бумагу, показывая каждую поврежденную часть. Я провожу руками по книгам, чувствуя грубую кожу на мои кончики пальцев. (не делайте этого сейчас, корона-вирус) Тысячи книг, окружающих меня, зовут меня с тамошними пылающими заголовками. Бегают по коридорам, кричат половые доски. Это как небеса, это как яркое здание со старыми, но замечательными книгами. это выражает некоторые эмоции, написание, которое влияет на мои чувства. Нежная музыка, играющая на заднем плане, свежий запах книг. Я держу книгу в руке, и я чувствую себя счастливым на этот раз ... Lillian xx Ps полюбил книги
Save the sea/Сохранить море
ENHLISH:The breeze of the wind on my face,the smell of salt and happiness.The faces that smile and laugh,as they give me a reason,a purpose.The peacfull sound of the sea,crashing against the shore.The sea calls me,the sea rages when I go and is calm when I visit.Wherever i go,something leads me to the sea and the sky.The salt water,that stings my eyes and the taste of it my mouth but it's worth it.The hundreds of people sitting under the sun,having fun.I sit there and I forget everything that I don't need to remember,When I look out to sea I don't see a blue water,I see myself.The sea can be so many things,some people hate it and some people love it.Its shallow,but gets deeper and darker as you enter.The sea is a beautiful gift,So why is it being destroyed.Leave the sea alone,before there is no life in it.The feeling of the cold ocean on my feet,as the sea-weed tickles my feet.I will never to forget the day I first swam in the ocean,Because it was one of the best moments of my life.
Lillian xx
Angel in hell/ангел в аду
ENGLISH:You were an angel,trapped in hell.You were a girl who's sadness ate away at her happiness.You were a girl,you were a happy girl.Why did you feel alone,when all i did was care about you.You thought everyone would be better off,but you didn't take me with you.I would have took your hand,and looked you in the eyes before we enter "together".I knew you were suffering,I knew your mind was killing you on the inside.I knew your feelings were one emotion,because i used to be like you.I watched you in pain,because I didn't want to believe there was no way to help you.I felt your crys,I felt your smile was never true.I hope you knew I love you,and If I could say anything to you I would say "I'll never forget you".Saying those four words,with a smile and a tear in my eyes as I looked into your blue eyes filled with pain.You fought everyday for me,and i will always see you as the strongest person I've ever met.Im sorry,if I could turn back time,I would go to the day it all began.
Lillian xx
Some things aren't meant to happen,some things are purely a balance of life.
Prison of problems/тюрьма проблем
I spent that one night,being free of the prison of my problems.One night,to feel free for once in my life.My perfect family,with a reckless pair of reckless twins.I look at her,and I see a reflection of myself.I am the shadow,I am the copy of the original.I always felt different,I always felt like I was far from the way she was.I see the way they look at her,proud and worthy.I see the way their eyes pierce into my soul,I see the way they look at me worthless and disappointed.Its hard to live up to that,but I don't have to live up to everyone expectations of how I "should" act.I sit there alone and free,but then I realise it's okay to be me.
Lillian xx
I can't promise a world,Where dark clouds don't hover over us.I can't promise you,that I will be here forever.I can't promise you my heart,in return for yours.I can't promise you my loyalty and trust.I can't promise anything,because a promise will always break eventually.I can't promise you a promise,because that would be a lie.I can't promise a life where I would stay by your side,I just am not capable of promises.I am a person who doesn't believe in promises,because no matter how much you mean it,it won't be true forever.I have a phobia of promises,they make me scared and nervouse.She looked me in the eyes and said "I promise",and that made me aware that she was lying.I hate promises,because they mean nothing to people.I used to look at promises with a smile a loyal way to show someone you care,a harmless shake of the hand.I wont promise you anything because I know that I'm not worthy of your trust.
Lillian xx
(Not to offend people who love promises)
Oh my love song
This is a song I wrote 2 years ago,it's not good but I had 1 day to prepare it for a project.I had to perform it with my friend violet,and it wasn't that bad.
Oh my love what happend here,break me until I have no tears.Oh my love what happend here,you make me feel so sad and bad but in the end it's this and that.Oh my love what happend here,I cry and cry till the tears are dry.Oh my love,Oh my love.Ive waited long for you to come,I've waited for you to love me.Oh my love we had it all,but in the end we lost it all.Love can fade just like your life,love can hurt and burn until the ashes crash and turn.Oh my love our souls are connected,but why do i feel them drifting apart.Oh my love we dont have time,you will soon leave me all behind.Oh my love I always knew that in the end,our love would defend our hearts.I stare at the stars,and feel you watching me.Oh my love,I shouldn't love you,but I do..
Lillian xx
Question 1?/Вопрос 1?
The girl that questions everything,is a girl that needs many answers.She wanders the earth trying to find the person that can answer her many queries.Everthing she writes has a hidden question that makes her heart ache and her head hurt.She spends days writing sad story's that she forgets her sad life.Shes in a painful story that never ends,she's in a story that writes itself.The pages in the book were filled ever so easy,because her heart wrote it for her.She spent her life being afraid,that's what made it so boring.Finding her passion was easy,but fulfilling it was the hardest part of all.Her writing may be boring and sad,but it's what keeps her sane.
"She had all the questions in the word,and he had all the answers."
Lillian xx
She's.../она ...
Shes Sweet as honey,and as bitter as a lemon.Shes kind and caring,but cruel and evil.Shes beautiful like an angel,but as a evil as a devil.Her heart so big,But her soul so dark.Shes someone you fall for,but someone who leaves you there falling.Shes an innocent girl,but a guilty demon.Shes precious and special,but hard to control.Shes calming and peacfull,but mad and obsessive.Shes selfless and kind,but selfish and rude.Shes happy and full of life,but she's sad and dead on the inside.Shes considerate and generous,but inconsiderate and takes whats not hers.She loves and likes,But hated and dislikes.She listens and helps,But is unhelpful and doesn't listen to anything.She is smart and intelligent,but dumb and stupid.Shes succsefull and wealthy,but reckless and poor.Shes many things,she's called the fallen.Shes a devil and an angel,but dont let that fall you some would call her a "human" because that was all she was a real,raw and honest human.
Lillian xx
"Sometimes we can be everything all at once."
I never understood../Я никогда не понимал ..
I never understood,why you left.I never understood alot of things,so help me understand why you left without a goodbye.Help me understand why you couldn't say three letters,explain why to me one last time.I may not understand why,but I know it must have been a good reason.I don't understand,Will I ever know the truth?Every night,I pray you will come back for me and save me,But every night nothing happens.My savior is yet to come,but it won't be you my love,because you are the boy that left without a trace.You are the boy that ran away from love,because you got scared.I looked fear in the eyes,and I shouted "my heart will stay whole,he wouldn't do that".Here I am crying and crying,hoping for a miracle.I can't look at you,because I know I wouldn't be able to keep in the tears that I wish could escape from my eyes.I cried until I had no tears,and you watched for years.I hate you,I hate you so much but deep down I always loved you.
Lillian xx
I remember the days/Я помню дапи
ENGLISH:I remember the days,Where our love was a maze that I could never escape.I remember the days Where we laughed for hours,while I climbed the towers that stopped me from being happy.I remember the days I would cry,and you would ask why.I remember the days where time meant nothing,but our love meant everything.I remember the time I was sad,and you would be mad as you said there was no time to be sad or to waste the tears from our eyes.I remember the days I would do anything to get back,but life is different now without you by my side.I remember,I remember the times I could never forget,because that would be my biggest regret.
RUSSIAN:Я помню дни, когда наша любовь была лабиринтом, от которого я никогда не мог сбежать. Я помню дни, когда мы часами смеялись, когда я взбирался на башни, которые мешали мне быть счастливыми. Я помню дни, когда я был. плакать, и вы спросите, почему. Я помню дни, когда время ничего не значило, но наша любовь значила все. Я помню время, когда мне было грустно, и вы бы разозлились, когда сказали, что нет времени грустить или тратить впустую слезы из наших глаз. Я помню дни, когда я делал все возможное, чтобы вернуться, но теперь жизнь без меня на моей стороне. Я помню, я помню, что времена никогда не могли забыть, потому что это было бы моим самым большим сожалением.
Lillian xx
Lying devil/лежащий дьявол
ENGLISH:Did you ever think about me,about how I felt? I can't believe your lies,because I know the truth is well hidden.Everything you said,meant nothing to me.Everything you did,was a game.I played with you,but you played me.I would have done anything for you,but you would of done nothing for me.You nearly got me,I was close to believing a liar.You lie so much,that you start to believe your own lies.Stop drowning in your self pity,because I will not be there to save you.When he wasn't there,who was,wait me...Think about the people,who was there for you,not the people that weren't.I may not be the bestest of friends,but At least I don't lie.You hide behind the inoccent girl act,but In reality you are the devil in disguise.You went from my best friend,to my living nightmare.I despise you,and I forgive people but what you did,did not deserve my forgivness.
Lillian xx
"Some people can play the game,and some can get played by it"
RUSSIAN:Ты когда-нибудь думал обо мне, о том, как ... я чувствовал? Я не могу поверить в твою ложь, потому что я знаю, что правда хорошо скрыта. Все, что ты сказал, ничего для меня не значило. Все, что ты делал, было игрой. Я играл с тобой, но ты играл со мной. Я бы сделал все для ты, но ты бы ничего не сделал для меня. Ты почти понял меня, я был близок к тому, чтобы поверить лжецу. Ты лжешь так много, что начинаешь верить в свою собственную ложь. Перестань тонуть в своей жалости к себе, потому что я не буду там, чтобы спасти тебя. Когда его там не было, кто был, подожди меня. Подумай о людях, которые были рядом с тобой, а не о людях, которых не было. Я не самый лучший из друзей, но, по крайней мере, Я не лгу. Ты прячешься за действия невинных девушек, но на самом деле ты дьявол в презрении. Ты превратился из моего лучшего друга в мой живой кошмар. Я презираю тебя, и я прощаю людей, но то, что ты сделал, сделал не заслуживают моего прощения.
Lillian xx
«Некоторые люди играют в игру, в то время как другие играют в нее»
The pain of his father's death,Will haunt
him.Hebenon,was the sip of death.Blood
was shed,as the act of revenge was
murderous.As he looses his mind,he plans
to kill the new king.Blood on hamlets
hands,Will forever remain
stained.Wine,was the plan to kill thy
hamlet.Gertrude drank from the deadly
wine,and was deceased.The death of
Claudius,was well deserved.Victory was
served,but many souls were taken.
Lillian xx
"Listen to many,speak to few"
Broken friendship/Сломанная дружба
ENGLISH;There's an empty space
Where you used to lay,
And a hole in my heart that won't go away.
I couldn't of asked for a better friend,my companion my guide until the very end.
Now you are breaking my heart,as we are drifting apart.You are now sitting under the golden sun ,asking when our friendship ever begun.The last 2 years meant nothing to you,and now my nights are filled with endless blue.I didn't ask much of you,just to make out you understood like you used to.Meet me in space Where we can erase everything starting over leaving nothing but a trace.I thought what we had was true,but the only friend I ever had was you......
Lillian xx
RUSSIAN;Там пустое место, где ты раньше лежал, И дыра в моем сердце, которая не исчезнет. Я не мог просить лучшего друга, моего компаньона, моего гида до самого конца. Теперь ты разбиваешь мне сердце, когда мы отдаляемся друг от друга. Ты сейчас сидишь под золотым солнцем, спрашивая, когда наша дружба когда-либо началась. Последние два года для тебя ничего не значили, а теперь мои ночи наполнены бесконечным синим цветом. Я не прошу многого из вас, просто чтобы понять, что вы поняли так, как вы привыкли. Встречайте меня в космосе, где мы можем стереть все, начиная сначала, не оставляя ничего, кроме следа. Я думал, что у нас был правда, но единственный друг, которого я когда-либо имел если бы ты был (извините, это нехорошо, я не самый лучший в рифмовке) LILLIAN Xx
ENGLISH;I am happy, when the sun shines bright and your smile is genuine.I am sad,when the rain pours down and your eyes flood with tears.I am angry,when you lie and are selfish.I am jelous,when you spend your time with everyone but me.I am excited,when I know I have a day ahead with only you.I am worried,when your promises are slipping away from my reach.I am heartbroken,when you prove to me I will forever be alone.I am scared,when my nightmares turn into a reality.I am lonely,when you walk away for good.I am so damaged,when you break my heart over and over again.. I am tired,when I feel all these emotions at once.I feel so alone,that I'm starting to like it that way.I feel too many emotions,and that's what makes me human.I feel things,and that is something I'm not capable of stopping.I am not going to hide away my emotions,because without them I mean nothing,with out them I am nothing.
*Sorry about errors*
Фамили счастлив, когда ярко светит солнце и "твоя улыбка искренняя". Мне грустно, когда льет дождь, а твои глаза наполняются слезами. Я злюсь, когда ты лжешь и эгоистичен. Я болею, когда ты проводишь время со всеми, кроме меня. Я взволнован, когда я знаю, что у меня впереди только один день. Я волнуюсь, когда твои обещания ускользают от моей досягаемости. Я с разбитым сердцем, когда ты Докажи мне, что я навсегда останусь один. Мне страшно, когда мои кошмары превращаются в реальность. Я одинок, когда ты уходишь навсегда. Я так поврежден, когда ты разбиваешь мне сердце снова и снова .. Я устал , когда я чувствую все эти эмоции одновременно. Я чувствую себя настолько одиноким, что мне это начинает нравиться. Я чувствую многие эмоции, и это то, что делает меня человеком. Я чувствую вещи, и это то, что я Я не собираюсь прятать свои эмоции, потому что без них я ничего не значу. Лилиан и моя дорогая подруга Фиалка Я скучаю по ультрафиолету
English:You can't break,what's already broken.You can't love,when you have no heart.You and i are not meant to be,and you have proved it with your careless attitude.How am I supposed to love you,when you can't even love yourself.You can't laugh truly,when your crying inside.You can't be strong,if you have no strength on the inside.You have no heart,if you don't feel any emotion.You are damaged,but in the end you will be healed.You can't forget,what you long to remember.You can't die,if you never really lived before.You can't cherish moments,if you have no moments to cherish.You can't see in a relationship that is not meant to be,but true love makes your eyesight as clear as can be.You can't feel pain,if you have never felt happy.Think of a moment in your life that you never want to forget,and place it in a special place in your heart where it can be safe forever.You can't love me, if you aren't capable of love.
Russian: Ты не можешь сломать то, что уже сломано. Ты не можешь любить, когда у тебя нет сердца. Ты и я не должны быть такими, и ты доказал это своим небрежным отношением. Я должен любить тебя, когда ты даже не можешь любить себя. Ты не можешь смеяться по-настоящему, когда ты плачешь изнутри. Ты не можешь быть сильным, если у тебя нет сил внутри. У тебя нет сердца, если ты не чувствую эмоции. Вы повреждены, но в конце концов вы будете исцелены. Вы не можете забыть то, что долго мечтаете вспомнить. Вы не можете умереть, если вы никогда не жили раньше. Вы не можете лелеять моменты, если у вас есть нет моментов, чтобы лелеять. Вы не можете видеть в отношениях, которые не предназначены, но настоящая любовь делает ваше зрение настолько ясным, насколько это возможно. Вы не можете чувствовать боль, если вы никогда не чувствовали себя счастливым. в своей жизни, которую вы никогда не захотите забыть, и поместите это в особое место в своем сердце, где это может быть
Lillian and CLARY!!(you happy now clar)
Thank you for how far I have come,you truly mean the world to me take care guys.
Prepare your heart/подготовь свое сердце
English:Sometimes I wonder if we prepare ourselves for loss,Will it hurt less.If you prepare yourself,Will you feel no pain.Preparing yourself is a waste of time,because it hurts as much as it would do if you did nothing at all.We try and prepare for the worst,but when it actually happens it burns the skin and bleeds out the heart.I am so selfish,making you promise something thinking about only myself.I am devastated,and I don't think I can get through this.I felt so ready,yet it hit my heart like a ton of bricks.I am on the edge,and there is no one to pull me a away from falling.I am so sad,and I wish I wasn't.My heart is lost without you,as is my soul.
Russian:Иногда мне интересно, подготовим ли мы себя к потере, Будет ли это больно меньше. Если вы подготовитесь, не почувствуете ли вы боль. Подготовка себя - пустая трата времени, потому что это больно так же, как и если бы вы ничего не сделали вообще. Мы стараемся и готовимся к худшему, но когда это действительно происходит, это обжигает кожу и кровоточит сердце. Я так эгоистичен, что заставляю вас что-то обещать думать только о себе. Я опустошен и не думаю, что смогу получить Я чувствовал себя таким готовым, но это поразило мое сердце, как тонна кирпичей. Я на грани, и нет никого, кто мог бы отвлечь меня от падения. Мне так грустно, и я хотел бы, чтобы я не был Мое сердце потеряно без тебя, как и моя душа.
Lillian xxx
Romeo and Juliet/Ромео и Джульетта
ENGLISH;Poison,was his fate.A dagger to the heart,was her downfall.Two hearts,that couldn't bare life without each other.Blue lips,as he took a sip of the deadly poison.Red blood escaping her body,as the dagger cut through her heart.
Dear Romeo,could not live without his sweet Juliet.Dear Juliet,could not live without her handsome Romeo.Two enemies,sworn to hate each other.Two wealthy family's,but their love was priceless.Forbidden to fall in love with someone other then who they are supposed to love,makes them love each other even more.A dance,that expanded their love.Their hearts ached for one another,and their souls stayed together,as death could not do them apart.
"My only love,sprung from my only hate."
~Said juliet
RUSSIAN;Яд, был его судьбой. Кинжал в сердце, ее падение кинжал прорезал ее сердце. Дорогой Ромео, не мог жить без своей милой Джульетты. Дорогая Джульетта, не могла жить без своего красавца Ромео. Два врага, поклявшиеся ненавидеть друг друга. Две богатые семьи, но их любовь была бесценна. Запрещалось влюбляться в кого-то другого тогда тот, кого они должны любить, заставляет их любить друг друга еще больше. Танец, который расширял их любовь. Их сердца болели друг за друга, и их души оставались вместе, поскольку смерть не могла их разлучить. # TSA2020 «Моя единственная любовь, проистекающая из моей единственной ненависти». ~ Джульетта Лилиан XX
There was a boy/был мальчик
There was a boy,who wandered the woods at night.There was a boy ,who was all alone.There was a boy,who was friendless and homelsess.There was a boy,who is no longer a boy.There was a boy,who was possessed with pure evil.There was a boy,who lives no more to tell his story.There is a ghost,who was once a breathing boy.There was a boy,who is now an evil spirit.There was a boy,and you could hear his awful cries for help.I can see that boy behind the eyes of a monster and yet there is nothing I can do to save him.
Lillian xx
"The boy lives no more"
Mysterious secrets
Your eager attempt to be unnoticed,makes me notice you even more.Your mysterious eyes,make me wonder the story behind them.The way you walk around the lake,alone and silent,makes me wonder the secrets that I am sure you try so hard to hide.You wear all black,making you extremely mysterious.You don't talk to anyone,which makes me question your busy life,yet with whom do you share this lonely life with?You avoid all socialisation,as it might unravel the truth about who you really are.I am determined to find out why you hide the truth with a lie,which leaves only your disguise. So mystery human,you won't be alone for much longer.
Lillian xx #TSA2020
"The harder they try,the easier you can tell'
Thank you/благодарю вас
Thank you dear love,
Thank you for always being there,when I needed you most.Thank you for never giving up on me, when I was stubborn and naive.Thank you for loving me,when no one else did.Thank you for caring about me,when everyone else didn't care at all.Thank you for worrying about me,when I didn't deserve your thought.Thank you for seeing the best in me,when I was to blind to see for myself.Thank you for everything,thank you for all you have done.Sometimes love makes us so blind,we don't see the people around us who truly care.
Thank you Lillian xx
Life changes you../жизнь меняет тебя ..
An ice cream,can melt.A clock,can stop ticking.A heart,can stop beating.An ice-cube,can dissolve.A rainbow can dissapear,and a storm can arrive.A person can come,but they can also go.A tree can grow,but it can die.An animal can live,but can get killed.A heart can be whole,but it can be broken.Hope,can turn into dissapointment.A dream,can turn into a nightmare.A story can start,but can end.A happy ever after,is not always true.All these things changed,just like we do after everything that happens to us.
Lillian xx
I'm worried/я беспокоюсь
I am worried about you,I'm worried something will happen to you.I am scared the virus will overpower your strength,I am scared your immune system is to weak.I love you so much,I can't lose you to.Please be okay,please be fighting.I can't bare the thought of never seeing you again,never having those long talks we have,never seeing your smile when I tell an awful joke.I love you,so please let that be enough for you to stay.Don't leave me,don't leave me.I am torn apart that it had to be you,that you had to catch the one and only COVID-19.Don't give up on me,because I will be waiting on the otherside.
Lillian xx
I'm in a world,where being different is unacceptable.Im in a world,where not having a selected faction,is utterly dangerous.Everyone's mind is one of the factions peace,brave,selfless or intelligent but mine is all of them.My mind can work in all those ways,and it scares people.I'm in a world,were being all 5 factions is breaking the peace.I am divergent,which is nearly impossible.You can be all those things,but your soul is always one(most the time).I am not like everyone else,and it will get me killed.I am not factionless,I am all factions,but I am dauntless at heart.I chose dauntless because if they found out I was divergent,I would be murdered .Everyone is different,but I am different in a bad...bad..bad way (u get my point).
Lillian xx
Based of:pic of jude
(Divergent is my favourite book and film)
5 feet apart
Stop asking me questions,that I can not answer.Stop loving me,because I will never get to love you back.You love me with all your heart,and I love you with half of mine.You deserve the world and more,I will only tie you down.I am sick,I will never be able to breath the same air as you.We come close to eachother,we will die.I love you,and that is why I'm letting you go.Without you I will be hurt,with you I will be dead.Stop telling me things,I cant tell you back like "I love you".I can't do this anymore because I want you to be safe,and if that's without me then so be it.It hurts me so much that we can never get married,have children,spend time together closer then 5 feet apart.I am leaving you,because I want what's best for you.I am a control freak,you should know I like everything going to plan.You were not a plan,falling in love with my disease was not the plan.I...I love you I really do,but we will never get to be together and I will never get to show you how much I love you.
Lillian xx
(Based on the book and film five feet apart)
I am here for you/я здесь для тебя
Stop pushing me away,when you need me most.Stop ignoring me,I am here for you.Give me time you said,its been months,and still no reply.You can push everyone away,but I will stay. I care about you,thats why I gave you time.Talk to me,I will listen.Tell me everything,and I will understand.You have been there for me,let me be there for you.Stop shutting me out,because I won't give up.If you keep pushing everyone away,you will end up with only me.I stayed,doesn't that show you anything.You don't turn up to school,because you know that I will be there.I know you have been through a lot,so let me do my job,as your best friend.We don't speak anymore,well you don't speak to anyone anymore.You walk pass me,as if I am a stranger.You ghost me,and I no longer think that you are even alive.You hide away from the world,because your scared of being hurt.You hide away,because you think I will leave you.You are so scared of being left alone,that you are spending your life alone.I am here for you,I will always be here for you.I am not going to go away,even if you ask me to.I am your best friend,so let me play my part in your life.People may hurt you,but I would never do that.I didn't give up,and that's why i still have a best friend for life.
Lillian xx
I look out at sea
I look out at sea,
and I see all the things that I love.
I look out at sea,
and I forget all my worries.
I look out at sea,
and the world finally makes sence.
I look out at sea,
and I remember everything that makes me who I am.
Lillian xx
I took this pic a while back its not as good as u @stella_raymond_real but I tried lol.
Heart made of glass
Your so fragile,I get told.Grow up for once,I get told.I have a heart made of glass,and you threw on the floor.I gave you my heart,and you wasn't careful.You only have one heart,remember that.Someone can heal that broken heart,but deep down it will forever remain broken.My heart is made of glass,I am like a porcelain doll.I have been told when someone looks into my eyes,I look dead on the inside.I am made of glass,you cant go around shattering the few pieces I have left.You can say sorry for breaking my heart,but that wont make it whole again.I am fragile,when are you going to realise that.
Lillian xx
Be careful with their heart,you don't know how fragile it is.
I stand on the trapezium line,and my heart starts to race.I feel the adrelline,rushing through my veins.I feel nervous,but I know everything is going to go to plan.I'm a trapizuium artist,my life is at risk everyday.One wrong movement,and I would fall,break my neck perhaps.People say to me that its not worth it,that its dangerous,well I like to live dangerousely.When I stand on the line,I feel alive,like nothing else matters.I love the audience,as they gather around me.I love their gaspes,as they watch closely .My life is boring,apart from this.One day,it will be my fate,but that day is not anytime soon.Maybe I could fall tommorow,or at this very moment,but I believe the worlds in my favour.
P.s Its okay to take a risk,because that's life.
Lillian xx
I care
My apology letter:I hear you,but I choose not to listen.I love you,but I choose not to show it.I care for you,but I don't seem to show it as well as others.I don't show affection, because I don't see the need to.I don't care,because I am a horrible person .I am selfish,and I don't see it.I am rude to the people I love,and I don't realise.I regret not showing you that I loved you,when I had the chance.I feel guilty because you wasted your life with a nobody,when you could of had it all.Its to late,but I hope you know that I love you.You deserve so much better,so don't think its your fault.I am selfish,reckless,rude and careless,but in the end I care more then anyone else.In the end,you will realise that I'm more then what you think.I cant go back in time,but I can change my ways,for you.
Lillian xx
The masked killer
(This is the mask p.2 but the killers poem)
Dear detective,
You think that you know who I really am,now that you have removed my mask.You think that I will stop,when really this is just the beginning.I pity you detective,I really do.You were so desperate for a companion,that you didn't realise my mask.I take sinful souls,because they dont deserve the life that they have.I have masks,loads of them.So just when you think that you have shattered my mask,I have another one waiting to be replaced.You are foolish,if you think that you have figured it all out.I feel sorry for you,I really do detective.This is my purpose,but don't worry this won't be the last of me.I am the masked killer,and I am invinsible.I hope you are not a sin,because I rather liked the little game that we are playing.I am the winner,and I will take your cards until you have none left.When no more cards remain,I will take the prize and it will be.....
Lillian xx
P.3 its up to you?
The mask
You wear a mask,to hide the darkness
inside you.You pretend you are
happy when inside you are broken,you are damaged,you are reckless.You have so much darkness inside you,that its hard to control it ,that its hard to socialise.For years,everyone thought you were harmless.For years,you hid behind a mask.How long did you think it would take me to find out, who you really are?How long did you think it would take me,to figure it all out.As a detective,you see crimes everyday.As a person,you see many people under masks hiding the truth.I looked at the clues,and I thought you could be trusted.All along,it was the person who stole my heart.All along,you were the professor,all along you played the cards.
This is a poem about" the heist" its a programme(I love it).Lillian xx
A brave warrior
I am supposed to be fearless,a brave warrior.I am supposed to show no weakness,only strength.I am supposed to be brave and strong,I am supposed to be unbreakable,I was supposed to be a symbol of strength.Why have I fell in love,with the one person I can not have.I have fallen in love,with the enemy.I have spent my whole life working on a complex plan,and my feelings have got the best of me.She told me,that I was strong for showing weakness and I believed her.she was holding me in her comfort,and she stabbed me in the heart.she knew better,then too think with his heart.I didn't care,because no matter what she did I still loved her ,even when I took my last breath in her arms.
Lillian xx
P.s we are humans,its okay too show emotion,unless you are an alien.
I am wrong for you...
I tried too hate you,I tried so hard.Your eyes,made it hard too stay away away from you.Your voice,made it hard too ignore you.I'm wrong for you,I'm so wrong.I will ruin you,in the most beautiful way.I give up,staying away from you.Now we are inseperable,we can't stay away from each other.The day I met you,was just the beggining.The day you found me breaking the law,the day I met someone I could never let go.I have protected you,now people are after us.You cried,and I felt your worry.I know we are going too be okay.I know this is the end of a new beginning ,and one day we will be more then best friends.
Lillian +Clary xx
The power within
Locked up,because of the power within me.Trained everyday,too become a killing machine.My best friends father,dead,because of me.My father,pushing me too my limit.My mother,teaching me intelligents.By the age of 12,I had already killed an unfortunate soul.I saw the pain in my best friends eyes,I had just killed the man he loved the most in this world.He has no one,and its my fault.At a young age,i have seen brutal things no child should see.My powers have grown since then,but now I have escaped.I left my friends,who needed me.I am a monster,a freak too society.If people found out,I would be hung for the whole town too watch.My powers,manipulate the human mind.I will forever be hiding in the shadows,hiding the guilt I carry with me.
Lillian x
The moon beneath the stars
Staring out at the city lights,is truly wonderful.This is my quiet place,where I think about the world,and let loose.Nobody comes up here,nobody knows about this place.I look out at the stars in the dark sky,and I see the moon.I look at the moon,as it acts as my night light,my light in a world of darkness.I admire the moon,it has the courage too outshine the stars,it has the courage too come out every night,so that the darkness doesn't take over.The moon may outshine the stars,but it stays unnoticed .It shines in a world of complete darkness,which is an inspiration too shine brighter than any star in the universe. Everyone is different,in their own way.The moon is so normal,but so odd,as it is in a sky full of stars.
Lillian xx
P.s Every star,is different.
Never enough
I'm sorry im not the daughter you want me too be,I'm sorry I'm not perfect.I'm always compared too my siblings,because they're perfect and I'm not.I know you would say don't listen too them,but I don't want don't want too dissapoint my parents.I want too make them proud,but nothing will ever be enough.An A,you can do better.An A+,you took too long.My older brother,left because he was tired of trying,of being a robot.Its as if my life was planned out,before I was born,my job my marriage my wealth.Its so hard too live up too what they want,as their expectations are too high .Whenever I get so close,I always fall back down again.Im a dissapointment,I am a mistake.So here I am with my brother,as he secretly knows,nothing will ever be enough for them too love me.A mothers bond should be infinite,but my mothers love runs on expectation.
Lillian xx
My twin
They took you away from me,they took my other half,my twin.Our hearts as one, have been split in half.We were born together,and we should of died that way.I'm nothing without you,don't you see.They tell me,that I should forget about you but I cant,how can I forget you when you were the only one who understood me.When I was sad,you made me happy.When I was scared,you calmed me down.They say a twins bond,is stronger than anything and its true.When your twin dies,you die inside.I try too forget you,but you gave me so much too remember.
Lillian xx
Come back too me
Your gone,your actually gone.I can't bare the pain of your loss,it eats me alive.Come back,I can't live without you.Please,I can't handle you not being here.My heart cries out for you,every night.there is not a day that goes by,where I don't think about you.It kills me inside,that I never got too say goodbye.I will avenge you,I will make your death a sacrifise so at least you died and it meant something.I am so sorry,that I wasn't there when you needed me most.I turned my back on you,and that guilt will haunt me until the day i die.I am sorry,I am so sorry.
Lillian xx
This will have a p.2 xx
Pretend lies
We are friends,I don't want too ruin that friendship.I shouldn't love you,its wrong, its utterly selfish.I can't stop looking at you,for years I have pretended too hate you.You had feelings for me,but I didn't want too date you.I wanted to be with you more than anything,but I couldnt let this secret out.You don't know,how much my heart aches for you.I love them both,but I love the one I cant have the most.she would never forgive me if I told her,but she will never know.she asked me if I have ever lied too her today,my heart lies everyday because deep down I love you, but you could never love me.
Lillian xx
In too deep
If I jumped,would you care.If I jumped,would you jump with me.Jump where? I am not sure,but i want too know whether we are in this together or not.I would jump,if it meant we were doing it together.I would stay by your side forever, but would you stay by mine.I feel like im in too deep,like I'm drowning inside my own heart .Gasping for air,You lift me above the water.Without you holding me up,I would drown.Deep? Probably but there is no other words too describe how much I need you.Like a flower,that needs water.Like a butterfly,that needs its wings.Like a rainbow,that needs rain.Your my whole world,if that makes me sad,then im sad.
"take my hand I whisper take my hand and forget what it means to live"
Lillian xx
Love melody
I'm sitting in front of the beaming sun,with the person I love the most in this world.I can't imagine life without you,life without my soulmate.I love the way the sun makes your bright blue eyes sparkle,and for a minuet the world stops.I stare out at the beatiful ocean surrounding us.We are like the ocean,calm one day,and then our waves clash and the storm begins.The storm of love,love is like a storm.The waves get higher and higher,until they destroy everything just like love.The lightning strikes the icy sea,and the water splashes on the burning damp sand.The sound,when the rain pours down,onto the waves,soothes your mind and is rembered as the melody of love.
Lillian xx
To you ..
I'm broken,I'm broken,I'm broken.My heart is shattered,and my soul is in agony.I can't bare it,I can't bare the pain for much longer.Your important,you mean so much too me,too your family and friends.Our love for you is the most dangerous thing out there.I will always be there for you,when you need me the most.You won't be sad forever,I promise.I couldn't bare the thought,of loosing you.You are so so special in your own type of way.Don't think of this ,for everyone think of it just for you,a special lyrical,for a special person.You are so worthy of this world,and don't even realise.Don't listen too the people who make you sad,listen too the people who care about you.When you feel alone,remember that you have so much too live for.Why read this poem,because when things get tough I will be the one too remind you everything that makes you an important part of life.
I have been hearing about depression,and I want people too know even those who are not that you mean so much .
There is not enough words in the world, too describe how much other people need you.
Kind regards Lillian xx
Toxic love
I hate you,I hate that I could never hate you.It sends me in rage,that I could never stay mad at you.Why do I feel as if I am under a spell,a spell of love.I love you,I will shout it too the moon and back.I don't know why,but I do.I have this feeling,my head is being told I am in love,while my heart says otherwise.You cant make someone fall in love,no potion can be used on the heart.Love,is something that has to be real.You put me under a spell,and yet I still don't feel for you what I feel for him.I can't lie too myself,when I say I love you,when I really don't.What I have been doing is toxic,we have created something called toxic love.Our hearts have been put together,when really they should stay far apart.I dont have time,for toxic love,not when I feel true love with someone else.
Lillian xx
Fallen angel book?
I don't understand,what I did wrong.What I did too deserve this.I am a kind soul,and my life has been taken away.I don't understand,why I couldnt rest in peace.I don't understand,why you have took my heavenly wings.I have become,the thing I hate the most in this world,a fallen angel.I am angel gabrielle,the kind soul that will now wonder earth forever with no peace.I am not seen,until god let's me be seen.My brothers Azeal,Zaydon,aerial have been killed.I would rather die,than wonder earth,with the loss of the thing that made me who I am.So I beg you,set me free.I asked for this wish,and it was granted.Not by god,by the devil.I am now trapped in hell,an angel in a demons den.It was only a matter of time,before I was burned alive.I felt pain,but at least I would be free,free from the world forever.....
Lillian xx
Should I create a book about a fallen angel?
Reunited: forever2
Dear love,When I died,I died alone.I wasn't afraid of death,not that I was fond of it.I always knew,that we would find each other again.Two hearts,reunited at last.Now that I am back,we will spend eternity together.Little did I know,that even eternity has an end.After all those years,I feel as if you have became someone else, but you still manage too steal my heart.I am sorry,that I love you so much that I have too let you go.Our love,is unbreakable,but the time we have is limited.
P.s Thousands of years,would still not be enough time for us.
~Yours Lillian xx
I can't help,but wonder whether you would have been happier without me.I caused you so much pain,but I didnt mean too.I can't help but wonder,if things would have been different,if we never met.I can't help but wonder,if you ever loved me like I loved you.I feel stupid,because you did so much for me and I never got the chance too repay you.Not telling you,how I really felt,will be my biggest regret.And on your last breath,I wasn't there with you.I am so sorry,you can't imagine how truly sorry I really am.I wake up,with sore eyes and a broken heart.His spirit looks me in the eyes,and says."You repayed me,with your heart."I gave her my heart,and she took it to her grave.Now I wake up,knowing that I did something right.My heart belongs too her,and when I die,we will get the chance too be together.When she promised me forever,she spoke from the heart.
Lillian xx
I know I'm selfish...
Why did you leave,you promised me that no matter what you would stay by my side.I know I'm selfish,for blaming you for what happened.If I could back in time,I would fix everything between us.Although if I did,we would of never met.I know I'm selfish,for wanting you back.I know..I know I'm selfish,but when it comes to you I become selfless.I am not the type,believe it or not,to open up.No matter how hard I try,I could never show my love for you in its fullest,as it is impossible.I know i know that I am the most selfish person on earth,for wanting us too be more than friends.I love you,and if that makes me selfish than I'm sorry.
Lillian xx
P.s Sorry about errors
Our love,is stronger than anything.Our friendship,is unbreakable .Our trust,is beyond infinite.Our desire,grows with a kiss.Our hearts,are magnets,when put together.Our souls,are no longer lost when we found each other.Our minds,are at peace now that we have each other.Our magic,is now as stronger than anything.Our complexion,means nothing only for each other.Our secrets,are no longer secrets,as we tell each other everything.Our familys,now accept our love for each other.Life,means nothing without each other.
Lillian xx
I have time
I have time,to prove to you that I am more than a lonely girl,that sits alone at lunch time and has no friends.I have time,to change my wrongs into rights.I have time,to show people that I am strong not weak.I have time,too wonder weather or not I am worthy of the world.I have time,too fall in love.I have time,to fixate about friendship.I have time,to love and too care.I have time,to show you that I am more than what you think I am.What I don't have time for,is you telling me what I can never do because of who you think I am.You think you know me,when in reality you know nothing.
Lillian xx
P.s dont let people tell you what you can't do,and focus on what you can do.
The world
When you fall in love,its amazing you feel as if you understand the world at last.However,when everything starts too make sense,life will through you onto a new path.Your love,slowly dies,your family shows no interest,and you wonder where are the people who promised you that they would be there no matter what.The people that promised that they would love you to the end.Don't believe everything you get told,because most the time its a lie.So here I am sitting in the front of the sun,alone and free of the people who dont love me. So here I am,wondering were I went wrong in this world.
Lillian xx
Magic:series the mind
The mind,is a dark place for some and a bright place for others.Some are filled with anger,while others sadness.When you focus and close your eyes,you feel peace.Because your mind is another world,like a maze some more tricky than others.When you dream,your mind enters another world.Your mind is a place were your thoughts are stored ,and memories are kept.Deep in the mind is your secrets,without knowing it you push them to the back of your mind,hoping they will disappear.But when the reaper is near,souls easily appear.The mind,is a mystery,and it will forever be a mystery.
Lillian x
Magic:series h20
I am water,I flow through rivers,lakes,and the ocean.I am the guardian of the sea.Water runs through your body,water is an essential part of life.However,I am not important,I am a freak.My powers are a burden,as is my presents.The sea is my only friend,and the rain that falls from the sky.I am of no importance,I live up too endless days of living in the dark part of the ocean.When will people undertand,the purpose of magic,without it there would no longer be a human race.But instead of thanking us,they kill us ,take away our magic which keeps us alive.What did we do,for us too be so alone
we never asked for this.
Lillian x
Magic:series the flame
Hello go read magic because it is becoming a series if it goes well poem:2.
I am a flame,a never ending game of burning souls.I wake up with with burning skin,and a forever attending sin.When will this torture begin,were my mother of hell puts flames in my skin.I never asked for this,do you realise how lucky you are?To not have bright orange flamed skin and hear the souls that are lost and suffering.They call out too me,and it sends me in rage,why can't they stay in there cage of regret,betrail,sadness and heartbreak.When evil souls die they enter my mind and become slaves of my father the devil,and I am his demon.
Lillian x
So this is going too be a series of magical beings with different elements
You have a light,that puts the stars too shame.You feel scared,because you think no one will shine bright enough to care,to care about you.You are wrong because you are the moon and I am the north star.Together we will shine bright,and that will show our love.When asteroids come,that is our spark of love.Lightning is a warning that angels have died,and from up high,rain is our crys from the inside.What do angels have to do with this?Nothing,its to show that without you and your moonlight shine I would burn,and all the stars in the universe would burn with me.This is too show,how much I love you.Like a moon and a star,
love is yet so far but will not bring us apart,as we are one.
Lillian x
Sorry its a bit weird strange concept💕😁
P.s stay inside💞
Don't forget me,don't forget the way I made you laugh or the way I made you feel something you've never felt before.Love,love is what i want you to remember.The special moments,that we had together,that makes us who we are today.You can forget me,but don't forget what we once had,love is what we had and it may not be in your memory,but it will forever be in your heart.
lillian xx
I loved her
When I saw her for the first time,my heart stopped.Not because I liked her,because I loved her.I loved her,more than anything in this world.But then she shattered my heart,and stole my soul my sadness was out of control.I forgive you,because love is stronger than heartbreak.You have too love someone to be heartbroken,so I forgive you,for everything.Love is stronger than anything out there but love can cause heartbreak.
lillian xx p.s don't give up on love💕
Your sweet voice
When you sing,its like a melody it plays over and over in my head.Your music is contrived, it is what makes me feel alive.My heart beats faster when a new lyric is sung ,its like my life has just begun.Every time I hear your sweet voice,your sweet voice that is soothing and ever so peacful ,your sweet voice that makes me feel complete.I could listen to her sing for eternity,but her sweet voice needs to stay sweet.
Lillian xx p.s I don't know anything about music so don't come at me lol😂.
your eyes
When I looked into your bright blue eyes,I saw the love of my life ,I looked deeper and I saw your soul right next to mine.I looked even more to the point I had to stop,one more look and my heart would have stopped.My heart had a lock,that only you could solve,it's tricky it hard but you were the key.
lillian xx
I hate
I hate when you pretend I don't exsist,I hate when you look at me as if you never loved me,I hate when you lie to yourself every time you tell her you're over me .I hate that I can't forget you, and you can't forget me.I hate that I could never hate you,and deep down I really hate myself for loving you so much that I could never let go like you could,because me loving you is my deepest regret.
Lillian x
no one/никто
you made her feel sad ,in ways I can't imagine.She lost you, and she fell apart.You dont realise how much you affect people,but im going to hurt you in ways i haven't hurt anyone,if that makes me a bad person then so be it. Now I'm going to make you sad and when you fall no one is going to pick you up again.And when you start fading away
for the last time no one is going to help you.
(it may not be good but I'm writing my thoughts as horrific as they are ) Lillian x
You watched my broken heart
I gave you my heart,and you broke it.
You watched it shatter into
oblivion,because you didn't care.You didn't
care because you never truly loved me,you
can't walk away from love and that is
what you did.You watched me fade away trying to savour the few pieces i had left,but even them you managed to shatter.You watched me fall apart and lose apart of myself every time I thought of you.You walked away,
And I'll never forgive you.
Like bird in the sky
We fly together,
high and free;I follow
you,you follow me.
We touch the moon,we touch
a star;And daylight's end is yet so far
Like two birds in the open sky,unbreakable souls you and I.
And when are love came to an end,
I cared you didnt.
I cried you laughed,I was hurt and you smiled.I moved on then you realised,but I found another bird to spend eternity whith me in the open sky.
Lillian xx
wish upon a star
As the stars come out each night
I wonder if they know
someone out there is wishing,
somewhere down below.
I wonder if they answer
or if they merely stutter
or if they burn silently
while falling for each other
And I wonder if two people
watching from afar
Know better than to wish upon a dying star.
p.s thank u all so much for 49 followers it means the world x
The sea
Leave your worries by the shore line ,
And run your bare feet through the sand,
Let the water be a soft bed,
When you cannot bear to stand,
Make friends with the seagulls,
And hold the sun up on your palm,
Before you duck beneath the water,
Where the world is mute and calm,
Tell the fish all of your problems,
As they all come swimming past,
When your lungs are close to bursting,
Swim above the waves and gasp,
Let the water hold your sadness,
And wash it right out to sea,
So like a message in a bottle,
All your worries are set free.
Lillian xx
I want to..
I don't want a
Fairytale ending
With you.I want to
Be there to help
You face your fears
And help you overcome
Your failures.I want to give
You the kind of love
That's not distorted
And fabricated,but real,raw
And honest.
Lillian xx
you had magic,that only I could see
and that's when I promised I would love you for eternity.
you had casted a spell on me,that only the best of me could ever see,so the best I will forever be.
lillian xx
Fell in love p.2
(Go read fell in love to understand)
The girl that feels helpless at 2:00am
My love ,I am rewriting your poem in my version of the truth changing the lies I
have told you,
into nothing but the
My love,I have changed.
I know my smile is now a frown,but I can't help feeling so down.I know my eyes are now empty of nothing but blue but I'm still thinking of you.
Just of the edge,
Where the sky shines bright blue,
And daises grow madly,
Dreams come true.
So my love,I will change for you and only
Lillian xx
As long as you love me
As long as you love me
I'll stay by your side
I'll be your companion
Your friend and your guide
As long as you love me
As long as you care
I'll do anything for you
I'll go anywhere
I'll bring you the sunshine
I'll comfort your fears
I'll gather up rainbows
As long as forever
My love will be true
For as long as you love me
I'll only love you
Lillian xx
To wake up everyday and
face the world is a constant struggle.Depression consumes me each time I open my eyes. I feel myself breaking a little bit more than then the day before.Although I have friends,I feel lonely inside and my mind reminds me every time I close my eyes.Darkness finds a way to change my dreams into nightmares.Depression eats me alive and spits me back out hoping I'll still be whole,hoping the war inside my head has finally ended.My minds a battle field, and my thoughts are the soldiers,battleing so they can torture me.I will never truly be happy but I have accepted it.Just because I smile doesn't mean I'm not crying inside.
Lillian xx
Stormy nights
If only there was something I could say
To make the sun shine and the rain go away if there was something I could do-
It hurts me to think that your feeling so
I'll be your umbrella together we will stand to weather the storm. I'll be holding your hand. There was a storm in your eyes rocky seas from a hundred stormy nights
There was a light a warm wind
From a distant shore
So that's where I headed
Towards her light that shone so bright.
Lillian organ
Fell in love
I fell in love with all of you ❤
I didn't just fall in love
With the best of you like
The way your eyes lit up the room
The way your laugh makes me smile
The way your hand fits in mine
The way your personality stands out
The way your smile gives me butterfly's
Or the way your body moves
I fell in love with all of you ❤
I fell in love with your scars
The way you make sarcastic remarks
The way you feel helpless at 2 am
The way you cry about something from years ago
The way you can sometimes get angry
Or the way you sometimes want to be alone
I fell in love with all of you❤
I fell in love with the great you
And I want that you back.
Lillian Organ
Suggest things
Before you judge my life,
My past on my character.
Walk in my shoes,walk the path I've traveled.
Live my sorrows,my doubts,my tears,my pain and my laughter.
Everyone has a story.
When you've lived
My life then you can judge me .
Lillian Organ
I hadn't felt
I hadn't cried in days
I hadn't felt ugly in weeks
I hadn't hated myself in months
I hadn't hurt myself in years
But you said one word and in a moment it all fell apart.
Now I haven't spoken in hours
I haven't smiled in days
I haven't laughed in weeks
I haven't felt beatiful in months
I havent loved myself in years
All that time ago you broke me
And I will never be whole again.
Lillian organ