Motivational slogan
Новини, Цікаве, Потрібна допомога
You never know how your one good thought might change someone's awful day
"Keep writing, no matter what"
Are you still interested?
I thought I'll make the best cake
From the vines I picked from the yard yesterday
You told me you will call and come and hug and kiss and
cuddle and fall right in my arms
But you disappeared the way you did before
And pretended that nothing ever existed and all was blind and foul and fake and houls.
I learned to accept, I learned to fall
I learned to hope, I learned to break
I learned to being all that I never was
To never love and cuddle the webbed curtain and snuggle tight.
The nefarious notion
Once filled the ineffable mind.
The gloomy dimension
Where no aurora sufficed.
The sign of apricity
Was chained somewhere.
In the personified cage
behold the human mind.
The conspiracy behind the curtains
Was now crystal clear.
The destruction is now.
The destiny is near.
Dear 2020
2019 had some life-affirmimg tales
It taught the pursuit of personal gains.
And oops! The fact was not realised
Until the end of year arrived.
Then came first of jan
With some dark celebrations in pan.
Spice and chills set-up hand in hand
Counting disasters and destructions everywhere.
Harrasment, nepotism, depression were clogged
With corruption, godfathers, struggles and what not!
Aspirants dreamt, only to be fluked
Through the power of pandemics and some human kooks.
Elections, leagues, Olympics still waiting
In search of a star who needs some praising
The lengths of complaints couldn’t hide
the silver lining that hummed aside –
The disasters proved the power of humanity
How little effort can suffice oppressively.
While human civilization was locked inside
The astonishing beauty of earth revived.
Where there was just love, peace and humanity
Along with blessings and prayers to the insanity.
Every book ends the tale
But this one includes some delicacy to taste!