Vidya Singh
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Are you still interested?
I thought I'll make the best cake From the vines I picked from the yard yesterday You told me you will call and come and hug and kiss and cuddle and fall right in my arms But you disappeared the way you did before And pretended that nothing ever existed and all was blind and foul and fake and houls. I learned to accept, I learned to fall I learned to hope, I learned to break I learned to being all that I never was To never love and cuddle the webbed curtain and snuggle tight.
The nefarious notion Once filled the ineffable mind. The gloomy dimension Where no aurora sufficed. The sign of apricity Was chained somewhere. In the personified cage behold the human mind. The conspiracy behind the curtains Was now crystal clear. The destruction is now. The destiny is near.
Dear 2020
2019 had some life-affirmimg tales It taught the pursuit of personal gains. And oops! The fact was not realised Until the end of year arrived. Then came first of jan With some dark celebrations in pan. Spice and chills set-up hand in hand Counting disasters and destructions everywhere. Harrasment, nepotism, depression were clogged With corruption, godfathers, struggles and what not! Aspirants dreamt, only to be fluked Through the power of pandemics and some human kooks. Elections, leagues, Olympics still waiting In search of a star who needs some praising The lengths of complaints couldn’t hide the silver lining that hummed aside – The disasters proved the power of humanity How little effort can suffice oppressively. While human civilization was locked inside The astonishing beauty of earth revived. Where there was just love, peace and humanity Along with blessings and prayers to the insanity. Every book ends the tale But this one includes some delicacy to taste!
All of which
There is always a voice Which needs to be heared. There is always a pain Which needs to be cured. There'll always be someone; To make you cry, For the bright side; there'll always be someone waiting to make you smile. All of the cliques which do not let you grow; Will disappear as a dews on the raw soil as it soaks. All this is fairly bright, if you think so. All this which fairly life, to make a go.
The horizon
The tale of scrutinizing myself thoroughly, In search of an imperishable commitment made dawn. Where dark trails and sparrows carry the soul of death, And grasped breath spoke voices and crawls of creepers rose within. But the sunset spoke different story, The discovery of untold truths and myths, Which holds the human society. Of colour, racism, caste and gender These minds of despicable thoughts which have broken hundreds of innocent souls will be digged Having to answer every throes. When the climax of horizon will arrive, All the tercet will finally be relished; And then every pied colours will be loved.
kaleidoscope mind
I am a dreamer, And I fancy myself as a creator. Where the reasons of uniformity are clouded with illusions; that seem delusional. If you don’t know where you’re going, You’ll be left with thoughts;thoughts to judge mortalities. And corpse of fires will be crawled within, Where freedom of thoughts and constrictions are the same. There is no way to go. Instead, to enjoy the fog Of bitterly truth. But if all negatives are destroyed And sanguine are structured, Starlight and dewdrops won’t wait for thee. And there you will shine , With love and enthusiasm,  within the colourful kaleidoscope.
The irresistible feeling Of anxiety Got me trapped In isolation of solitaire. Peeping from the window To the utmost sky; Gave high hope to overcome fear, To put forth courage, To battle my soul. However, the darkest fear To fall, fail and be trapped Gave me shivers, sweat and tears. But yes, there is always a hope. A hope that someday there'll be a brighter day, a brighter hope, a brighter faith. And I'll grow to my fullest, achieve my best And then there will be no going back.
Dear little flowers
If laws of nature are to be blured It is you who will stand there in blues There every colour will be nutured and every bloom will be special Every scent will carry the mantra of purity and love And every petal will chant the spells of peace, glow and care If growing prosperous ever had a face It'd be you Where either of them can be futile As they lay in the hands of cheerful children Bringing smile to their sun-kissed face As to us, only to realize the truths of mind, soul and universe.
Unheard voice from the crowd Disappeared in nowhere. Those unique thoughts flew somewhere in the air. Some became friends Some even enemies But no one in these years Ever got to know me. Months passed away So did years. People grew old People made cheers. And then, Somehow somewhere Those unheard voices made me Where I stand here.
Plugged in
So many genres, so many styles From melodies to beats I play at strike Plugged in my favourite headphones everyday Sony, boats or philips I say Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque or classics Each era has its own temper or dynamics So many varieties, so many taste It'll stay in my playlist anyway.
Her hands was the safest place To hide myself from all darkest trace From leaning to flipping; she always encouraged me right She gave me words of praise; when she knew I'd call it a defeat that sight Whenever there was a thorn or pebble on the way She protected me as the dews on the grass stay She was magical; she brighten my day So was her touch,when i needed her to stay Sometimes she was a lemon, sometimes she was honey But whenever I needed her, She appeared at a blink without letting me worry Today she's in heaven above; Today reminds me of her Today I learned to live; Today I learned her worth Today I learned what is love; Today I realised what I would be without her.
Sleepless night Didn't get me weary and light Intuition thrived Just not to be compromised Gave me the best my nerve can strive Only to have a fabulous idea that night. 'All from the sudden idea toggled right'
The little girl
Lost in the trip Found myself in the woods Where noone were to be seen Except for long trees, barks and green bush Walked, ran, screamed and cried Weary, hungry, tired and exhausted Darkness prevailed, fear arosed Howls echoed, cricket stridulated Suddenly there was a light, a light of hope; I would say A little girl walked by, wore a smile of innocence and joy She said she knew the way outside Surprised, astonished I followed her by She wore a long coat and had a lantern in her hand Her hair in braids seems as perfect as it could ever stand She suddenly stopped and pointed ahead To the path filled with meadows which fade And without uttering a single word I walked slowly ahead of curve Soon I reach my site Where all the tents and boundaries bind Adrenaline rushed after; And when I turned back to the forest; all i see is darkness... There was no sign of life Only mooonlight reflecting from the river closeby All I hope is that good soul Stays safe and sound in the heavenly world.
So today I turn back page to take us back to the days; Where we were luxuriated In the hands of Mother Earth. Where peels and plastics were thrown from the windows; And bucket were left to overflow. Where we savoured the delicacy from the wombs of Goddess Gaea; And mankind died from malnutrition. Where we complained for pollutions; Blaming our hearts out on each other. While birds and animals suffered asphyxiation and cancer. Look at us now! Where we find ourselves today! From Australian bushfire to Turkey's earthquakes Followed by a deadly virus and now Vizag gas leak! Whose fault it is? Who are to blame? Was it government or oneself? The answer is crystal clear. This is just "GAEA'S REVENGE".
Her ice, His fire
He was fire She was ice He was an inferno While she was a freezed glacier Even with the slightest spark; he ignites himself While she was always there; somewhere close by to calm the blaze Both were important for each other Both dependent on each other They were mutually dependent on each other They calmed each other: The fire inside her ice, the ice inside his fire.
Someday, somewhere while walking On the way of life I met you... You were someone of your own kind You occupied a special place in my heart And my mind!! I was your secret admirer Your words inspired me Your thoughts enlightened me It was because of you i began to live... Days passed by, months rolled on... You became busy in your life But I was still waiting for you On the same way of life But You went further... It was my mistake,I kept quite Still you occupy the same place in my heart And Still today I am your "Secret Admirer"