More Of You
From thy eyes i sensed a pleasant death, Mending every broken heart, That were consumed by 'mkono wa kifo'. My smile they took from me, Emersed me in their euphoric toxic ways. You came and showed me mercy, Yet, i craved more for their lust. . I wine and dine in their ethos, Despite the obvious turmoil in my routes. Their lethal burned through my soul, Transforming my mind into Tabula rasa, Just to occupy their deceitful fleshes. You came and drowned me in grace, Yet, i craved more for their vains. . I got seduced with their blemish tongues, Devoured every tint of their diction, Exhaled and inhaled every lyrics of their song, Sang with them even in my morning nightmares, Unlocked all codes of my heart for easy passage of their fatality. You came and told me I'm one of the chosen generation, Yet, i craved more for their futility. . Their affection bask upon me like an infection with no cure, I danced along in their perilous hymns, Like I've got remedy for all ills. Then you showed me the holes in your hands, That through you is the only path to salvation. . Now i know my hope is lost to tattered regrets, Forgiveness and renewal of my faith i seek, To crave more for you lord, To rise, learn, and walk to find the grace to brace these heights in you. Amen!!! . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines
2021-07-20 09:25:14
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