My Companion
I In a path of loneliness, Have treaded my ways, Like a sojourner in the midst of nothingness, I have moved on in the path with no pace. II I moved in this path, The hollow path filled with dreadful shades, Like the tale of a warrior with an hopeless oath, Loosing his will like a land infested with raids. III There I moved forward, With all sides, all I can see is tall walls. A need to stop and more need to move upward, As being fixed on a spot is making my heart race in wars. IV I moved on and on, Getting closer to the exit and yet more farther, Losing focus in the dark path with no flash light on, And as I walked through the path with my steps like a man on a ladder. V The Halo came from above, Sheds it's fragrance on my darkest path, A clearer vision with the light above, To see the unseen miles left in my path. VI Now the walls are just walls, The dreadful path is just a mere passage, Now I can see I was truly lonely in the dark walls, But now the light is my companion. . Thomas Oluwatosin © Fearless Lines
2021-10-05 09:48:28
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