Mammon Prt.3
Oh what a misery, everlasting agony
To be trapped in this dungeon without exits
Home of fire, darkness and fear
Nothing compared to his pain on the earth
Looking above with glimpse of his friends
He whispers to them amidst much shrieks
“I have made a fool of myself
And the price to pay is incredibly fierce
In all you do please make it HOME
Not unto this place the hearth of fears
But unto heaven, the haven above
Were Christ peace is your gentle abode”
“We were deceived by the lure of much wealth
But here you'll see the end, to such opulence
Let all you seek, be the will of the LORD
Seeking the way, of Him ABOVE
Then you will find, great wealth in His Name
Of things that matters the most beyond claims
Both of the Now and the life after
Having traded your wealth for treasures above
Beyond all the pains and tears of sheol
Unto a life beyond this plane
Bringing you not, to the gates of hell.”
Mammon Keeps men in the rat race of life, making them amongst all creatures most miserable unto hell, but an appointment with Christ can rightly change the course of their impending end, cancelling their appointment with hell for eon years.
John 3:15
2019-04-09 03:03:25