Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Part 2: Tired Of The Pain
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Part 3: Her Life, Inside her mind
Chapter Fourteen: Life
Chapter Fifteen: Life
Part 4: On The Rage: It Makes Me Feel Sad, But No One Understands.
Chapter Sixteen: One The Rage
Chapter Seventeen: One The Rage
Chapter Eighteen: One The Rage
Part 5: Girl All Alone: Dead Inside
Chapter Nineteen: Girl All Alone
Chapter Twenty: Girl All Alone
Chapter Twenty-One: Girl All Alone
Chapter Seventeen: One The Rage

  I still don't understand how someone can talk about some they barely even know. Heck, I don't go it to parties because I'm not a party girl half of my mother side of the family doesn't know who I am because they barely see me. why should hang out with a family who thinks their better than everybody? I'm nothing like my family at all is totally different I don't drink, smoke or party, they all assume I'm boring because I like to do other things like reading, writing and chill in the house. Neither of them likes the things I like I'm the type of person who into sports, art, museums, zoos, parks, laser tag, paintball anything that's an outdoor activity like hiking etc.    

  they all assume I can't cook "this is what they assume" but I can cook I just don't cook for other people or wanna buy things. most of the time I do want to buy things but living in the house with my brother who eats up everything that's in the house no matter what it is, yes I mean completely anything. it can be salad dressing he'll use it and there'll be no salad at all for him to use it on. I'm mild anemic but a lot of people don't know that because I haven't told anyone why should I? when no one in my family even cares to listen when I even utter a sentence or half a sentence I get cut off and they go and talk about themselves and I have to sit and to them Yelp on and on about themselves and their love lives and what they're going through in general. neither of them doesn't know I've been bullied all through elementary and middle school I told my mother but you think she cares? I think not. and when men tell me I'm beautiful I'll say thank you and when the same guy keeps saying the same thing over and over they'll get mad just because I don't say anything like get that is beautiful too much but no one understands that I been called ugly my whole life and still get called ugly when I've learned to finally love myself and know that I'm actually beautiful inside and out.  

книга «Her Life: Girl All Alone, On The Rage».
Chapter Eighteen: One The Rage