Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Part 2: Tired Of The Pain
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Part 3: Her Life, Inside her mind
Chapter Fourteen: Life
Chapter Fifteen: Life
Part 4: On The Rage: It Makes Me Feel Sad, But No One Understands.
Chapter Sixteen: One The Rage
Chapter Seventeen: One The Rage
Chapter Eighteen: One The Rage
Part 5: Girl All Alone: Dead Inside
Chapter Nineteen: Girl All Alone
Chapter Twenty: Girl All Alone
Chapter Twenty-One: Girl All Alone
Chapter six

I'm tired of being single I feel like I'm never going to find that one guy that wants me for me. They either just want sex from me or want to change me. I want kids one and a marriage not saying I want a marriage now but I do want kids. I will be having baby fever like a bitch.

But I'm not the type of chick to just randomly talk to just any dude that steps to me. I'm picky about who I talk to. Sometimes I feel like most guys want a female that's a hoe because she gives it up easily. Smh.

Whatever I'll just wait until God send me somebody I 'ma just focus on going to college and getting myself my own place... Guess most guys want girls in dresses, heels, and a fat ass and big ass titties.

I'm none of that I got ass and tits I'm a skinny chick who wears no makeup I have short hair. And I'm not afraid to say it neither. I'm not conceited nor am I the type of female who dates a guy just for his money I'm that girl who likes to make her own money. If the guy I'm with wants to give me money I'll accept it but I won't be spending it on purses and shit.

It's not my fault that I'm not a girly girl. I'm in between a tomboy and a girly-girl. I'm not changing for anybody I'll only change for myself. My father hasn't been in my life since I was 12. He sees all my brothers except for me and I'm his only daughter. I never ask anyone for anything my entire life only my mother.

But people are quick to ask me for things or put their kids on me. From elementary to middle school I've been bullied. I've been called ugly, skinny, I look like a boy, making jokes about me. Even family call me skinny or a toothpick and I'm grown now.

When I was younger I use to think I look like a boy and think I was ugly just because I've been called it my entire life. I never dressed like a boy not once only boy things I had was shoes. My family loves putting me down every time no matter if it's good or bad.

I get called skinny, lazy, when am I going to get my license. Like nobody understands everything you say to me hurt my feelings but I don't say anything I keep it all in.

книга «Her Life: Girl All Alone, On The Rage».