Dog with no name
Pawpy is the best
Chocolate boy
Days become warmer
Evgenia needs help
Chocolate bar
The man in the forest
Start again
Guys with guns
Start again
There is no news from Chocolate boy. And from Evgenia too. They came to another country. She cannot to say where she is to nobody. I can understand how it's hard. To left all her life here and to go to foreign country with another language.
Pawpy is slipping so I can relax by listening my favourite music with earphones. You know what? He hates my earphones and when he sees it he starts barking and trying to break into the pieces. I love my dog but I also love music. So I must wait utill Pawpy fall asleep. It's quite difficult because he is slipping when I am at school. But now is summer holidays. I love summer, I love swimming, sunbathing. We have 1 lake in our city. It's clean and warm. I should go there with Pawpy. He loves water as me. My parents went to their friends on the birthday party. I can do everything I want. But I want to listen to music.
I was listening to music and understood how I want to turn back the clock. To start again. To save Evgenia and her parents before all this happened.
But I can't do that I am just human.
Pawpy woke up. I need to hide my earphones. He woke up and went to my laptop. He always do that when I am chatting with Chocolate boy.
" You have one message" saw I on the screen.
-Don't be so sad. You are beautiful when you are smiling.
- I will smile if Evgenia come back, but I know that it is dangerous for her.
- She will come back one day.
- I know.
- Just smile. It's so easy.
- Ok.
- We will see each other again too.
- Maybe.

That is the best day of my holiday.  I really want to see him. One day....
© Lera Zip,
книга «Broken paw».
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Soft kiri
Start again
Why did it stop 😣😭😢
2018-07-02 02:12:23