"That's okay."
Цікаве, Думки вголос, Особисте
It all went wrong since we started looking for love and believing that it's the right thing to do. You cannot find love because love isn't waiting for you at the corner down the coffee shop. Love is living it's life with other people. You don't even know love yet and see what you've done to yourself. You're searching for love in every other person you meet. You've stopped living. Having someone to hold your hand is a part of life but it isn't your life. And let me tell you the truth, you may never find love at all. You may never fall in love. And even though none of the quotes on instagram tells you that, but it's okay to never find love. Love can make you happy but that doesn't mean all the time you're gonna be with the love of your life you'll be happy. There will be sad moments, there will be normal moments and then there will be other moments. Most of all there will be moments where you might not feel love as you believed love to be all magical and stuff. Love would get sick. Love would look ugly. Love wouldn't remain the same for the rest of your life. Love would change over and over. So how do people who stay together for so long still love each other? How do they grow old with each other and still have love for each other? Well, here's their secret... They fall in love everyday. They choose to love that one person everyday. You see, love is a choice. It's a commitment. You know everything about someone and you choose to love them. Not just for the sake of proving the honesty of your love. But genuinely loving someone. Real love doesn't feel like obsession, jealousy and excitement all the time. It's not materialistic. Real love is a choice. Even when things go wrong you choose to stay. You don't just fall in love with someone and remain fallen for the rest of your life. Sometimes we get up or the other person gets up. That doesn't mean you haven't loved them, you did. But just not anymore. That love wasn't by choice it was just by fate. And you know what, sometimes in life we choose to love someone and we stay with them but they don't choose to love us back and that's okay. It's okay to never find love in your life. It's okay to find it and then lose it. What's not okay is to get sad and stop living your life. What's not okay is to go out in search for love. If it comes to you welcome it, if it goes away bid it a farewell and thank it for the little journey you both had together. And I will not talk about self love because self love is prioritized so much that now everybody loves themselves, and is finding love for themselves. What's the need to have anyone anyway? There are dogs in this world. We don't really need people. I don't think I could love someone so much that I would want to be with them for the rest of my life. There's so much to life than finding true love. If I only take away the question of finding true love from my life it all becomes so beautiful and less of a burden and I'm able to see life from a different perspective. I have different respect for life. But it's all just in my opinion, you may have yours. What I overall meant to say is that true love is beautiful but it's not everything. And if you have it feel blessed. Not all of us has a princess or a prince to save the day. We have to be our own heroes. Not all of us have love stories. And you not what? Even if nobody says it out loud, "That's okay."
Pehla Pyaar
Цікаве, Думки вголос
To my first love, I don't know if you're reading this or not but I gotta tell you somehow that you'll always be what love is to me. You'll always be the first definition of love. The love as I got to know about it, as I grew up. Ive lost and gained many friends but to me, you came as a best friend in my life and what I can say love. I met you over and over in different persons. But I never met you again. We were never destined to be together. But just to tell me what love really is. Yes, you did teach me what love is. You sure as hell did. But that doesn't mean, we are to stay together. Now in every person I meet, every love I recieve... In infinite different forms. Through friendship, through relationships and through family. I only feel one love, that is universal and that is the very first love I recieved, and that was from you. So thank you for all the beautiful things and for this beautiful feeling. Because now I understand what first and last means. Now I know what forever means... It's not a person... it's a promise and it's a feeling... So, I love you... If you're reading this, I guess you know it's for you. And at last, I just wanna say... "One love is all we need..." 🎼💛🌻
Цікаве, Думки вголос
We not only leave parts of ourselves in people we meet and places we go but also, create empty spaces within us for their parts to come. We have spaces within us for people we let in. Sometimes, they wouldn't adjust to the space we give them and demand more and more until we ourselves get suffocated for letting them in, in the first place. We are left with no choice, but to let them be, to make accomodations according to their needs in the place which once was ours. These empty spaces aren't for them to exploit. This emptiness is ours to live with, to learn from, and to let sadness sometimes come in. Imagine walking on a road and leaving space for some vehicle to come in, but guess what it took some other route. But you see, what happened there... You have an empty space now and you never know who's actually gonna fill it, so you keep traveling on that road, in your life... Waiting. But you shouldn't because the only person who's gonna fill that emptiness or space is you. All you need is you for that space and for that, all you need to do is accept that emptiness and not let someone who has left, come in again and exploit it. Besides, there's always rainfall to think about... These are the tears you let out. No, you're not a cry baby for crying.... It doesn't make you less stronger. There's always rainfall to remind us how humid it has already been and how dry sometimes. And in all those situations how we managed to live with the circumstances. That's what it's all about. Also, imagine being a little girl or boy, standing in your balcony and not playing with the kids downstairs just because you don't wanna get hurt... Now you have your empty space, and you don't even know what you're doing but even not going there, is somewhere disturbing you and somehow you're letting them in, in your empty space. That's not what you're supposed to do. You should just listen to your heart, and follow it, and do exactly what you want to do at the moment, right now... Life's short sweetheart... not everything can be told, you need to learn some lessons alone... Btw, so no one told you it was gonna be this way?
Chaos Theory
All I see, did see, were fragments of Hope
On Forbidden Islands of the locus town
A Paradigm of chaos was laid in its walls
And the doors were locked with locks
Amidst the chaos, I saw you over and over again
What I never saw was the image of me
And that my dear, is the Chaos Theory
Never really thought about the void between us
About the stars, the moon and the fjords between us
You took me places, you brought me to life
You created cliffs, and taught me to survive.
And it never occurred after all this time
There were rivers, graves and forests between us.
I fell and kept on falling till you held me tight
And showed me the world,
A fake world and I smiled.
For I knew everything with you would be alright
Until the storm came and blew our dreams away
And in a minute all was gone, you were gone
For the time I just stood still in the storm
In the chaos and you weren't there next to me
I survived it all alone, just like you taught me
And then you came along but now I see things better
I see the void, I see the rain, I see you
You're not the same or perhaps just who you are
Only I see better now from this cave you build for me
All secure, all home-like, all captivated
But you love me so it's alright...
Just one thing I could never understand
After everything we did, why am I still in a paranthesis?
I'm diving into the deepest depths of my sadness,
Swimming into the ocean of sufferance
Which, at the same time, suffocates me
And I feel like something's missing,
Like something was supposed
To be with me but isn't.
My feets are grounded to earth
And I'm going into its deepest depths.
I surrender in the soil around me
Thinking about what's growing inside of me.
My life feels like it is, in fact, a touché
At one point I'm broken, the next, I'm okay.
I'm high up in the clouds, it is a dreamy day
But my life isn't a fairy-tale,
I'm blinded by flakes and ice crystals
They taught me how the wind blows
In different directions as if I wasn't sure
Whether my sadness was a petrichor.
My body is surrounded by flames
And it feels like my soul is on fire.
Something's burning within me
From a very long time,
And I see everything around me
Turning into the elemental vile.