Never have I felt such pain,
Such pain that grew wild inside of me,
Such pain that was not a feeling,
But was a part, that grew mad inside of me.
For food was nowhere around of me,
Hunger-thirst lived inside of me,
In a two storey building, getting thicker and thicker,
I got to do something, my instincts told me, quicker and quicker!
So I closed my eyes and counted till ten,
I thought I'd dream of food, so I can have a good meal,
I wished I won't wake up hungry,
Hoping, I won't wake up at all, so I won't feel hungry.
When I opened my eyes, I could feel no pain anymore,
There was no more rain,
And this was good, wasn't it?
The part that was alive had died inside of me...
As hunger and thirst grew wild inside.
(Please, if you can, provide food to those in need of it; millions die every single day, just because the way this world is made - "rich becomes richer and poor, more poor"... Even your small contribution can help someone... Everyone deserves a life worth living, and if you can be a source, then why not? 🙏)
2018-09-17 18:05:14