Writing poetry isn't how you think it may be..
When you hear about poetry what do you think of? Do you think of this assumed person that writes in detailing sorrow? Do you think of what it means to be a poet? what poets write about usually? I have found that a similarity between most poems I've read are they all seem to push out something that sounds like this: "Her hair was as red as her anger in her mind and her expression was as cold as ice could be." While there's nothing wrong with writing poetry this way, I want others who maybe are unaware or are barely starting to write to know that's it not just that. It's not just writing in metaphors and rhyming. Poetry is what you feel and if you don't feel like doing the usual, then don't. Write about your daily chores or your opinion on the color purple if you really want to. Art is subjective, what could be perceived as boring could also be seen as entertaining. My point here being that poetry isn't what many think it may be. To summarize, make it what you want it to be and let your audience see the picture you're trying to create in whatever way you decide to describe it.
2018-08-17 02:44:43
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(-: aw thank you
2018-08-20 22:13:50
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I was alone. I am alone. I will be alone. But why People always lie? I can't hear it Every time! And then They try to come Back. And i Don't understand it. Why?
وردةٌ قبِيحة
و مَا الّذي يجعلُ مصطلحُ الوردة قبِيحة؟ -مَا الّذي تنتظرهُ من وردةٍ واجهت ريَاح عاتية ؛ وتُربة قَاحلة و بتلَاتٍ منهَا قَد ترَاخت أرضًا ، مَا الّذي ستصبحهُ برأيك؟